2023: CSOs Move to Evaluate Legislative Performance of N’Assembly Members

Udora Orizu in Abuja

The Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) with interest in legislative governance has announced an evaluation system to rate National Assembly members’ performances with a view to increase their service delivery to citizens.

The organisations, which included FixPolitics Initiative, CISLAC, Centre LSD, Social Action, AFRICMIL, Accountability Lab, Spaces for Change, CNC, WEWE Network Afrique, ICIR and OrderPaper Advocacy Initiative, said at a press briefing yesterday that they intended to engage the lawmakers to recognise those doing well and challenge others to step up theirs games for the benefit of citizens.

Speaking on behalf of the CSOs, Executive Director of FixPolitics, Mr. Anthony Ubani, explained that the essence of the initiative is to elevate the office of the citizens to its rightful place in democracy.

Ubani noted that as 2023 elections approach, citizens would use these stewardship appraisals to demand accountability from members of the 9th National Assembly and engage in associated conversations during the campaigns.

He said: “We have decided to organise around the seminal and exclusive midterm reporting of the National Assembly delivered by Order Paper since July, 2021 till date. We can build mutual confidence and work together to achieve a better country. That is why it is our well-considered approach to engage the National Assembly on a non-adversarial basis anchored on a double-plank platform. The platforms are legislative accountability and recognition and Rrward system to incentivise performance in the interest of citizens.

“In other words, while we will be asking informed questions and demanding answers on the performance of elected representatives on behalf of citizens, we will also be happy to spotlight and thumbs up impressive service delivery by legislators and the legislature.

“As the 2023 elections approach, we trust that citizens will use these stewardship appraisals to demand accountability from members of the 9th National Assembly and engage in associated conversations during the campaigns.”

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