Pastor Eno: The Kneeling Pastor from Nsit Ubium

Loud Whispers

So…that is the anointed successor one, Pastor Eno on his knees and that is who used to be my governor standing with his hands on the kneeling pastor and that is my friend the ever beautiful First Lady sitting on the couch and watching in utter disgust and shame.

The picture was all over the internet and made a lot of Akwa Ibomites critter with shame. That day, I was for the first time truly ashamed of my heritage. Do these kinds of people still exist? People behaving like Hobbesian caricatures.

Why would I kneel down to anybody for these purposes? Is he the custodian of the people’s mandate? Is it not only one vote that he has? It’s simple na. They have hijacked the structures and processes, they have arrogated the peoples powers to themselves and the ill-qualified pastor knowing this very well, will pretend to be humble until the mandate is thrown at him and then he will ‘wike’ them.

A quick look at the pastors’ background justifies his kneeling down for there is nothing there to show that this was earned or justified. A weak and tepid attempt at entrepreneurship, running a ‘per hour’ Hotel in Eket and a quick stint as Chairman of Tourism in Akwa Ibom during Attah’s Government and now Commissioner for Lands where nothing significant was achieved and all of a sudden thrust above six million people by a puppet king?
Why won’t he kneel down in utter gratitude? He will even prostrate and run around naked not believing his luck.

Akwa Ibom is just too important to Nigeria for this kind of ‘charlatanistic’ behaviour. With the kinds of resources both human and otherwise that we parade, we should not be under the throes of intellectual midgets.

This is a rallying call. This must STOP. The people must STAND up and redefine their destiny and not allow these cabal to keep running us around like the slaves we are not.
This must not STAND.

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