Mustapha: How I’ll Reconcile APC Members as National Chairman

Chuks Okocha in Abuja

As the campaign for the National Chairmanship position of All Progressive Congress (APC) gathers momentum, one of the contestants and foremost aspirant, Alhaji Saliu Mustapha has promised to ensure reconciliation of all aggrieved of the party.

He also said that he will uplift internal democracy of the party with the establishment of ‘The Progressive Institute of (TPI) a democratic institution that will help to advance good governance, party democracy and leadership.

Mustapha, who is so far the youngest and the current Turaki of Ilorin declared yesterday in Abuja that among the immediate tasks in his manifesto is ensure unity in the party through a reconciliation process through the establishment of the TPI of Nigeria.

The APC today is torn into various camps and factions in more than 20 states. The factions is much more pronounced in Delta, Ogun, Rivers, Ekiti, Zamfara, Kano, Akwa Ibom among other states.

Mustapha said that he will tackle the crisis in the states with the Progressive Institute which shall be an institute for strategic studies and reconciliation pattern after the United States National Democratic Institute (NDI).

According to him, the idea to establish TPI was mooted long ago during the Adams Oshiohmole-led national executive, but yet to see the light due to internal crises.
The TPI, he said is a necessity for addressing internal democracy, conflicts and democratic governance.

“Across the world today, especially in advanced democracies, democratic institutions such as the proposed TPI are known to advance openess and accountability in government.

According to the APC national chairmanship aspirant, “This is done by building political and civic system that guarantee freedom of assembly, freedom of association and speech.”

Further, the Turaki of Ilorin maintained that for APC to promote and advance sustainable democracy, institution as TPI is necessary as the driver to safeguard elections, promote citizen’s participation and inclusiveness.

While re-echoing his confidence and trust in APC to lead the nation in the right direction, and for the next dispensation, he urged all lovers of democracy to embrace this initiative as a way forward in addressing internal crises within parties.
He also likened the initiative to the US NDI that has helped many countries democracies successfully.

Mustapha therefore, enjoyed all APC party members, particularly the delegates to the February 26 Congress to vote him as their preferred candidate based on his mission and vision for the party and the country at large.

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