Saving the Environment

To save the environment from the increasing rate of plastic use, which are not bio-degradeable, the Lagos State Environmental Protection Agency recently launched a ban on single use plastic, pet bottles, others, Chiemelie Ezeobi reports

“We have found out that in Lagos State, plastic pollution is a major problem and it blocks a lot of drains as plastics are not bio de-gradeable. Every single plastic made is still on the surface of the earth. They can be blocking drains or eaten by fishes which we in turn eat and the implications health-wise are now coming to the fore.

“We intend to mop up used plastics. We are having conversations with beverage and food alliance companies who produce plastic bottles. We cannot stop them but they have a responsibility by government to ensure that these plastics are properly disposed off and now we are enforcing recycling and enforcing putting money in a general treasury to deal with plastic pollution,” the above statement was made by the General Manager
Lagos State Environmental Protection Agency (LASEPA) in November 2021 at the 26th Conference of Parties (COP26) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Glasgow, Scotland.

In an interview with THISDAY, she revealed that they “recently launched a program called Waste Exchange and this simply means we are putting a premium on amount of used plastic. What do we hope to achieve? We hope to mop up used plastics all the way from the drains.

” For instance, if plastics are being bought for N5, we intend to buy it for N10 or N15 and you’ll ask me how is this sustainable, most industries and companies pay environmental development charge, a levy, a tax that is compulsory to be paid to the coffers of Lagos State. We will now start to use tax payers money to work for the tax payer.

” This money will be used as a premium to attract plastics from every nook and cranny of Lagos State. You ask me how will it be sustainable, sustainability will come when our off-takers, they have to pay for what they are taking off us, they start to pay and the cost starts to grow while government subsidy starts to reduce. That way, it becomes a revolving fund”.

Initial Measures
According to Dr. Fasawe, initial measures by the current government of Mr. Babajide Sanwo-Olu includes many policies and initiatives at the implementation stage with measurable impact that is objectively and verifiably measured.

Already, there are hubs in Lagos where people are encouraged to drop their plastics for incentives. Also, Dr. Fasawe said the Lagos State Waste Management Authority (LAWMA) is currently working actively on sorting waste, biodegradable from degradable and are decommissioning the landfill so we can have a mechanised landfill.

Walking the Talk in Lagos
Months after that exclusive interview with THISDAY in Scotland, Dr. Fasawe and team have begun walking the talk. While decrying the increasing rate of single use plastics, pet bottles, polystyrene and other non-biodegradable wastes in different parts of the state, she reiterated the need for urgent steps to revert the trend and further encourage reusable plastics or biodegradable materials which are cost effective, eco friendly and devoid of environmental nuisances.

In walking the talk, the LASEPA boss discovered that various meetings and conventions on plastic pollution yielded nothing or little result regarding various recommendations. This was the main reason why LASEPA as a front runner in terms of environmental protection decided to practice what it preaches.

“I will be handing over water dispensers as well as some reusable items to all the departments and units as my personal contribution to this campaign on ban of single use of plastic by LASEPA.

“All the gifts, reusable water bottle, recyclable bag (and the choice of using old newspaper as wrappers), is to advocate for suitable and multiple use alternatives that is cost efficient, friendly and devoid disposal problems,” Fasawe said.

According to her, the idea of presenting its staff with multiple use cloth bags, personalised reusable water bottle, wrapped in old newspaper was not only laudable but symbolic in the agency’s fight against plastic pollution.

“The move which was ahead of the UN resolution pledge of 2019 goal to tackle and face out plastic waste by 2030 and advocate for alternate multiple use products and safe our oceans and drainages.

“It’s worrisome to note that everyday around 8 million pieces of plastic makes their way into the ocean, with attendant widespread problems affecting the marine environment, threats to ocean health, marine species, food quality and safety, human health, coastal tourism and contribute to global climate change, “she lamented.

According to her, LASEPA as the police of the environment is leading its talk with the launch of ban on pet bottles amongst its staff in other to protect the environment and encourage eco-friendly products.

She said the success of the pilot experiment would encourage recommendation for other government agencies to implement.

Fasawe also stated that research has shown that, “if plastic production is unabated, the amount of plastics floating in the ocean may likely outweigh all the fish in the sea by the year 2050 as many seabirds and marine mammals die annually due to plastic waste.

“Unhealthy environmental attitudes have a vicious cycle effect on the lives of the people; therefore to bequeath to generations yet unborn, a sustainable environment, every hands must be on deck to protect the mother earth from environmental pollution.”

She recalled how the journey started last year with the ban on single use plastic within LASEPA.

“After this, we started sorting our waste, pet bottles, paper waste and vegetal waste and I realised that the pet bottles were filling our dust bins faster than other waste items.

“Thus the need to holistically tackle it, and the provision and placement of water dispensers and paper cups at strategic places within the building, for accessibility, and also satisfy people’s need.

Eco-friendly Mitigation

She also mentioned laudable eco friendly steps taken by her agency to curb the tide of plastic pollution, such as beach and market clean ups at Oniru beach and Sura market respectively, routine town hall meetings with relevant stakeholders and engagement of beverage/drink manufacturers to achieve zero plastic waste and proper disposal of waste.

“Single- use plastics represent the epitome of a throwaway culture that ends up in landfills, oceans, waterways and causes environmental and health hazards, we collaborated with Cleaners Practitioners Association of Nigeria (CPAN) to advocate for attitudinal change towards recycling, plastic pollution, disposal and also promote reward system through our cash for trash programme at Obalende to encourage willful compliance and self regulation for a desired result,” she revealed.

Long Term Goals

But beyond giving out these symbolic items, the long term goal is to ensure total compliance by all the staff and encourage them to become an advocate of the recycling and reusable products initiative products in their respective places of residence, while also enjoining others to emulate the culture of keeping old newspapers and use as wrapping gifts in line with waste to wealth initiative of government.

The agency in the new year is considering supplying raw materials, in terms of shredded used documents/papers to toiletries and paper manufacturers to recycle into new useful products rather than littering the bins with paper waster. It will also be focusing on air quality, in order to limit the effect of polluted air which is currently affecting vulnerable age groups, both the elderly and babies.

“This year we are going for air pollution, you must service your car as and when due, your generator must not emit smoke and even for telecom sector, their mast, if they cannot use gas to power their masts, they will have to find a way to ensure that the waste oil is re-used and reused and reused, “the General Manager stated.

The Permanent Secretary, Office of Environmental Services, Lagos State Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources, Mrs. Belinda Odeneye who was at the launch revealed that her ministry has a Plastic Waste Management Policy in place and a Recycling Bank for plastic wastes within its premises where people can exchange their plastic wastes for money.

She appreciated LASEPA for championing the advocacy on reusable plastics/products and for setting the pace for environmental sustainability for emulation by other Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) of the state government.

The move according to her would guarantee quality health for the citizenry and also reduce the rate of some avoidable loss of lives caused by polluted environment.


“It’s worrisome to note that everyday around 8 million pieces of plastic makes their way into the ocean, with attendant widespread problems affecting the marine environment….if plastic production is unabated, the amount of plastics floating in the ocean may likely outweigh all the fish in the sea by the year 2050 as many seabirds and marine mammals die annually due to plastic waste”

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