In developed countries like US and UK, citizens pay their taxes willingly because their governments have been using the taxpayers’ money to execute projects that improve their standards of living.

However, those who constitute government in Nigeria embezzle taxpayers’ money and even the annual budgets, leaving the people in abject poverty.

The Abuja Municipal Area Council has been going round to share papers to offices and homes, forcing the occupants rented apartments to pay tax. I am not against paying taxes and if you must apply force, it should be done in accordance with the law.

It is unfortunate that people and their businesses are not progressing because of the inability of government to provide stable power supply, security and other needed amenities. Yet, the same government expects people to pay tax even as taxpayers’ money is hardly used for their benefits.

I run a business that needs stable power supply but I have not been fortunate to experience even three hours of power supply. I have to always buy diesel for my generator. At a point, some of my clients stopped coming as they cannot withstand the epileptic power supply by AEDC and the noise of my generator and other generators around. Yet, the government that is responsible for my setback needs tax from me. Is that fair?

Government is not doing anything to support businesses to grow but the same government wants the owners of these enterprises to be paying tax, not minding the losses we incur as a result of its irresponsibility. I will not pay tax to an irresponsible government. Let the government come and close my office, and multiply unemployment and insecurity.

Awunah Pius Terwase,

Mpape, Abuja

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