Arjan Mirchandani:Without Diversification, Nigeria Cannot Achieve Economic Stability


Chairman of Sona Group of Companies, Arjan K. Mirchandani, last week spoke with some select journalists on the planned diversification of the economy by the federal government, pointing out that over-reliance on oil revenue is no longer realistic in the face of mounting economic challenges. Festus Akanbi presents the excerpts

How will you react to the ongoing efforts of the federal government to diversify into agriculture?

COVID-19 coupled with the rising debt profiles have brought the issue of diversification to a new level of urgency. Due to the whims of the world crude oil market, an oil-based mono-economy like Nigeria cannot achieve economic stability. The relationship between the global oil market and the Nigerian economy means that Nigeria catches a cold whenever the oil market sneezes. For instance, from 2010 to 2015, Nigeria’s GDP grew at an average of 5.53% every year. However, in the aftermath of the oil shocks of 2016, economic growth slowed and the economy went into an outright recession. Diversification helps to mitigate volatility and provides a more sustainable path for equitable growth and development.

Can you go into details of how corporates like you are taking advantage of diversification efforts?

Diversifying is even more urgent now given the slower global economy and the pressing need in many developing nations like Nigeria to boost revenue. Economic diversification entails not just a transition away from reliance on a few commodities, but also structural transformation, as seen by improved productivity, growth, and development. It facilitates the diversification of production, trade, and revenue factors through various dimensions. Coming down to the specific way we are taking advantage of the federal government’s diversification policy, we requested land from the Ogun State Government and they gave us 1,250 acres of land for cultivation because we are going to produce industries-based raw materials like sorghum, cassava and malting. If you go to other small African countries, their food supply is short. Trailers have to find their way to those countries. That’s why we are exporting foods like soya.

We are bringing hybrid coconuts from India. Each coconut after three years will give between 400 and 600 per tree. We are doing cultivation here now that we brought 6,700 coconut trees and they are growing. So, in two years, we should have enough coconuts for the coconut project. How does the coconut help you? You can make oil, get a coconut water and so on and we are looking into items that can be produced quickly. We commend the federal government, which has executed several import substitution strategies, including food import prohibitions, like rice and palm oil. Although production has increased, it has also resulted in sizable supply and a rise in the prices of these agricultural commodities. Import restrictions should be implemented gradually, especially as the country lacks the production capacity to meet domestic demand. These measures should be combined with the promotion and encouragement of industries like ours that can replace the large number of manufactured goods imported from other countries.

How has the post-COVID-19 operating situation been for real sector operators like Sona Group of Companies?

COVID-19 is something that we, like others, went through and it was and is still frightening. It was a big challenge but I realised that whatever difficulties we face, we had and have to live with it. You have to thank God for whatever he is giving you because companies and industries were collapsing and closing down, so it was a great challenge. Nevertheless, we were so lucky in our Sona Group because our reliance, which is on local sourcing of raw materials, is on local industry. Yes, it was challenging but in the end, it made us stronger.

Some real sector operators said COVID-19 shocks have escalated barriers to trade and investment. What’s your view?

If I look at 2019 and 2020, I realise that we went through hiccups and it is not so bad at the end of the day. We were able to work on it because there were lots of restrictions coming. The prices went up and we were able to make some margins in terms of price increase because the goods were short and it was not so easy for many people.

Since your emphasis on raw materials is local, can we say you don’t have manufacturers’ difficulties in accessing foreign exchange?

We try to be clever and innovative. You can manufacture but if you don’t have a packaging material, it is going to be your biggest problem because the packaging is the key. When you want to sell the goods, you must package them very well in terms of quality, especially and this would allow you to retain your customers and even win more. Following a decline in crude oil price from the ravaging impact of the corona-virus pandemic on the global economy and the recent currency adjustment of the Nigerian Naira; uncertainty about a further devaluation continues to weigh on corporates. For use in the manufacturing sector, the concern has been on how to absorb the impact of the increase in the cost of raw material, occasioned by currency devaluation, without necessarily raising the price for our products range. I think we have quite tried a lot. We are, however, encouraged by the optimistic outlook expressed by consumers and hope that spending is likely to improve or move to a high altitude with more jobs created this new year and sectors fueling such spending equally witnessing a turnaround. However, for economic recovery to be sustained, the government needs to create an enabling environment for positive investor sentiments in the economy. This should be driven by policy, regulation, macroeconomic conditions, and security of lives and properties.

One of the problems of manufacturers like your organisation is the low purchasing power of consumers. How do you deal with this in fixing the prices of your products?

The market will always determine the cost and what is available and what will be the price. This is the theory of demand and supply. Like other businesses, we cannot deny the loss of key customers and patronage resulting from post-COVID-19 consequences, which threatened the welfare of customers.

There was an outcry, especially by manufacturers when Value Added Tax was recently raised to 7.5% and the government is still planning to introduce taxes that could affect your sector, what’s your view?

The government has its problems. However, I remember the Finance Minister explaining that the government wants to create employment opportunities as well as stimulate stability and growth in our productive sectors, within the wider context of our quest for economic recovery. Note that they work with the IMF, World Bank and so on. They discuss what is going on in the country vis-a-vis the global economy. The government may have no choice but to increase the tax because they have to get some money from somewhere for their expenditure needs.

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