Bridge Harps on Parents’ Involvement in Child Learning

Bridge Nigeria, a network of community nursery and primary schools in Lagos and Osun, recently held its open day, ensuring that parents get involved in their children’s learning process, review their academic performance and have one-on-one discussions with the class teachers.

The Academics Manager, Ezinne Tochie-Asogwa, stated that it is extremely important for parents to assess the efforts being made by the school in educating and training their children to become successful individuals in the future.

She described the open day as one of the most important activities held twice every school term in the school’s calendar.

“It exposes parents to what is being taught in the classroom, the teaching methodology being used, the performance of their child, as well as their relationship with other pupils and the learning resources available to the child,” she pointed out.

A parent at one of the Bridge International Academies in Lagos, Mrs. Amenaghawon, whose daughter is in primary four, attested to her child’s improvement since joining the school.

“She has improved in her academics and behaviour. Parents who are not involved in their child’s education will miss out. Parents need to partner with schools for effective learning.”

Another parent, Mrs. Alana Alamudun, with a daughter in primary five, said, “I can see great changes in my child. I believe that parents should be involved in their child’s education.”​

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