Impeachment of Zamfara Dep. Gov. Affront on Democracy, Rule of Law

Muhammed Kadade Suleiman threatens to mobilize Nigerians youths to protest against the recent impeachment of the Deputy Governor of Zamfara State

We are all witness to the heinous act of lawlessness on the part of the government in Zamfara State. In total disregard to the pending suit instituted by the Deputy Governor, Barrister Mahdi Aliyu Gusau against moves to commence impeachment. The Governor, Bello Matawalle, who ironically was one of the biggest beneficiaries of a free and fair judiciary, went against reason and common sense to wage a war of aggression against the Deputy Governor and Nigerian youths in general. What is even more condemnable is the manner in which the three arms of government left important issues of insecurity bedeviling innocent indigenes of the state to focus on a personal vendetta. If only such decisiveness was used to address more important issues in the State.

Assuming office at the age of 38, the Deputy Governor was no doubt the poster-boy of the Not-Too-Young-To-Run campaign which led to the signing of an Act to lower the age requirements for elective offices in Nigeria. The fact that no allegation was made against his competence or capacity to hold and discharge the activities of the office makes it even more brazen and reckless.

On account of this act of unconstitutionality, we are calling on the legislative arm of government in Zamfara State to reverse this decision and maintain “status quo” as directed by the Court. In the event that the legislature, who seem to be acting in consort with the two other arms to make mockery of the law, fails to act in accordance with Order of the Court, we would be left with no option than to mobilize Nigerian youths and embark on a nationwide protest to challenge this clear attack on the constitution and further chances of our success in politics.

In conclusion, we wish to state to Nigerians and our fellow youths to observe the clear distinction between the PDP and the APC. Whilst the PDP is clearly seeking to maximize and harness the potential of its teeming youth by engaging and providing a platform for the youths to realize their political ambition. The ruling APC is clearly a party with no interest of the youths at heart. This is not surprising considering the fact that the party is still yet to put its house in order even in the most basic of terms. What is important is for them to however realize that the people are now better informed and the era of politicians taking the youths for granted is in the past.

* Suleiman is the National Youth Leader of the Peoples Democratic Party

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