Though I have not met Vladimir Putin in person, if I ever get to meet him I’d ask him if the images that came out of the Bill Clinton-led bombing campaign against Serbia in the 1990s unnerved and unsettled him as much as they did to me. Poignant of these images were pictures of bombed-out Orthodox church building in ruins. Though I’m Roman Catholic, I wondered what kind of message the US was sending to Christendom by leading an all-out campaign without the backing of the UN to bomb the infrastructures and the cultural heritage of a somewhat poor Christian country (here, Mr. Clinton should do well to come to Nigeria this moment and learn from Muhammadu Buhari’s carrot-and more carrot approach to dealing with the deadly Boko Haram). Mind you all, Vladimir Putin is a “solid born-again” Orthodox Christian.

In wanting “to stop the Serbs,” the Americans unwittingly brought to the fore the unsettling situation that drove Slobodan Milosevic to act in the first place, which is, “why would proud Slavs allowed themselves to be so easily conquered by the nomadic dark-skinned, big-nosed Mohammedan Turks (who remembers the Khaleesi and the wildling plots from ‘Game of Thrones?’) for 500 years and thence proceed to adopt the religion of the occupying Turks as their own?” Essentially, this was the rallying question that brought about the Bosnian, Kosovar, and others related issues of the Balkans. Thus, the bombing of Orthodox church buildings by America to “liberate Bosniacs” only served to further rub salt on a raw wound. Now, how did the Bosniacs and their ilk “repay” America? First, the USS Cole incidence of 2000 and, wham! next, the September 11th 2001 “Armageddon” on America’s homeland. Was Putin bemused by these events? I’d love to interview him in person to get his views out in the open in the light of the current Ukraine debacle.

Thus, y’see, just one man, Osama bin Laden, shifted American’s foreign policy thrust away from Ukraine for some two decades (thus ensuring that Ukraine was slow to modernize its military to bring it in line with NATO’s requirement for admission into this military pact in double-quick time) thereby leaving Ukraine relatively weak on the military front to become easy prey for Russia takeover in 2022. In the years since September 11th 2001, NATO, albeit the West, has been unapologetically bleeding-heart liberal and multiculturalist, upturning demographic statistics in predominantly Christian countries, opening up its doors ever wider, removing barriers to Mohammedan migration, menacing Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary, and a lot of small countries that desire to preserve their Christian heritage, and of course, demonising the “Big One” (that is, Russia) for “gross human rights abuses” blah, blah, blah. What Putin sensed (again, I’d love to do that interview), in all likelihood, is that, with wads of petro-dollars from the Middle East and Muslim Asia lining the pockets of Western “democratic lobbyists” these ones will be baying for Russia’s blood on account of Chechnya and those aforementioned “gross human rights abuses.” Vladimir Putin deduced he’d identified a huge chink in the armour of the West and Putin had to act fast on Ukraine.

Now, see how Putin forces are blazing through Ukraine and divvying up that country. Putin will be encouraged to push further beyond Ukraine and would be tempted to create “protective corridors” around Serbia and Armenia. Whilst Putin is fighting to preserve the soul of European Christianity, the likes of Angela Merkel, Emmanuel Macron and their ilk in the Scandinavian region, New Zealand, Canada, Australia, and elsewhere are taking-in millions upon millions of souls that will bring their societies crashing down. Already, in France, right-wingers are calling for readiness for a pending civil war to be fought on religious-difference grounds whilst Mr. Macron just naively laugh them to scorn and laugh off their fears. The French military, right-wing veterans who are so concerned for France cannot stand the near-constant stabbings and killing of French men and women by “ersatz French people” anymore.

Sunday Adole Jonah,
Department of Physics, Federal University of Technology, Minna, Niger State

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