Pension Assets and Matters Arising

James Emejo argues that among other things, mass awareness campaign could curb resentment of the Contributory Pension Scheme

No doubt, the CPS remains the preferable option in pension administration due to the transparency and safety of contributors compared to the old scheme, which was opaque and fraught with all manner irregularities and corruption.

For the first time, contributors under the Retirement Savings Account (RSA) are able to monitor pension accruals, how the funds are invested and the profits made in a most transparent manner.

Also, at retirement, pensioners are able to immediately access their contributions as opposed to the old system whereby pensioners waited for eternity to get their entitlements.


But in spite of the merits of the CPS, some enrollees including the military and some paramilitary agencies had opted out of the scheme while there had been further agitations by a few to exit the platform.  

Only recently, Nigeria Police Force (NPF) declared its intention to exit the scheme partly because it had not met their expectations mainly in terms of access to lump sums at retirement compared to other security agencies which are not part of the CPS.

Exit Costly for Economy

But, according to the Director General, National Pension Commission (PenCom), Mrs. Aisha Dahir-Umar, the clamour by the police to withdraw from the scheme was ill-advised, adding that the commission already had provisions that could address whatever grievances and challenges that may be faced by the police and other federal government agencies on the administration of their retirement benefits.

The PenCom boss, while speaking at the recent public hearing of the House of Representatives Committee on Pensions, on a bill for an Act to amend the Pension big knowledge gap in the pension industry Act, 2014 to Provide for Exemption of the Nigeria Police Force from the Contributory Pension Scheme and for Related Matters, further raised concerns that if allowed, the exit of the police from CPS to the Defined Benefit Scheme (DBS) could further impose an additional N1.84 trillion pension liabilities on the federal government.

The hearing further considered a bill for an Act to Amend Sections 1 (c), 7 (2), 8 (1), 18, 24 and 99 of the Pension Reform Act Cap 50 LFN 2014 by providing that a pensioner shall receive at least 75 per cent of his retirement benefits immediately upon retirement and criminalise the undue delay in payment of pension.

But Dahir-Umar, had pointed out that the primary objective of the Pension Reforms Act (PRA) 2014 is to ensure that everyone who works receives his/her retirement benefits as and when due, the proposed bills basically sought to undermine the essence of pensions and social security cover as enshrined in the 1999 (as amended) as both would ultimately deny retirees an adequate periodic income in retirement.

She stressed the exemption of the police, if allowed, would unsettle the federal government’s fiscal policy and financial system stability adding that to date, about 63.17 per cent of the N13.4 trillion pension assets are invested in federal government securities.

As a result, she said, “Exempting the NPF would lead to material divestment from FGN securities before maturity, which would have ripple negative effects on not only the finances of government but on the entire financial system.”

She said, “We, therefore, have a collective responsibility as Nigerians to ensure that the CPS remains sustainable in order to achieve this objective.”

She, however, argued that the absence of other social security benefits in the country was partly responsible for the clamour by the retirees for exemption or to access substantial amounts as lump sum from their RSA balance.

She added that was imperative for the country to institute a Zero Pillar Pensions in the form of social security benefit, which is recognised and provided for in the 1999 Constitution (as amended).

The PenCom DG said, “If implemented, it will go a long way to alleviate the sufferings of all Nigerians irrespective of whether or not they had a formal employment. It will also augment earnings from occupational pensions.

 “Accordingly, the Commission respectfully urges the Honourable House Committee on Pensions to disregard the Bills and, instead, seek to institute sustainable pension system and social security scheme in Nigeria.”

Essentially, the police had been pushing for an exemption from the scheme because they are unable to access lump sums of benefits at retirement, citing the military as an institution that had exited the scheme and now access lump sums on retirement.

However, the PenCom boss said exiting the scheme was not the best option for the police, adding that the quantum of entitlements is only a function of salary. In other words, the police can only get better pension if their current salaries were to be increased. It is however, on recorded that the police are one of the poorly remunerated among the security agencies.

She added that the federal government, which is the police employer, had since realized that the resolution of the challenges of the police under the CPS was surmountable without recourse to abandoning the programme.

She said one of the ways to resolve the problem was for the police to get the federal government to increase their salary, a move that cannot be influenced by the commission on their behalf.

She said, “The solution to the pension challenges of the personnel of the Nigeria Police does not reside in their exemption from Contributory Pension Scheme and reversion to the Defined Benefits Scheme, which is clearly unsustainable.”

According to her, “Exemption of the personnel of the NPF would imply additional financial burden on the federal government by way of unsustainable pension obligations. For instance, as at September 2021, there were 304,963 Police personnel based on IPPIS data.

 “An actuarial valuation revealed that the retirement benefits (pension and gratuity) liability of these personnel under the defunct Defined Benefits Scheme would amount to about N1.84 trillion.”

On the other hand, the liability under the CPS for the same NPF personnel is made up of N213.4 billion as accrued pension rights and monthly employer pension contributions of about N2.2 billion.

Raising Salaries

The DG noted that to address the concerns of police personnel on pension, the employer could review upwards its current contribution rate of 10 per cent, adding that the PRA 2014 further provides that notwithstanding the pension contributions made by employer and employee into the employee’s RSA, the employer may agree on the payment of additional benefits to the employee upon retirement.

She added that the federal government may also wish to provide additional benefits in the form of gratuity to police personnel upon their retirement, stating that the exemption of the NPF and any other agency from the CPS would erode the pool of long-term investible funds accumulated under the scheme.

She said, “That would undermine the process of funding the huge infrastructure gap in the country. Indeed, it is noteworthy that the pension industry has significantly contributed in providing finance for infrastructure development in Nigeria through investments in infrastructure bonds (including sukuk) to the tune of N184.03 billion and real estate to the tune of N234.2 billion as at 30 September 2021.

“Exclusion of NPF from the CPS would also affect existing retirees under the Retiree Life Annuity, which would negatively affect the flow of capital into the insurance industry thereby undermining the Economic Recovery and Growth Plan (ERGP) of the Federal Government.”

Pension Assets

Nonetheless, confidence in the CPS has continued to grow as pension assets swelled to N13.61 trillion as at January 2022 from N13.42 trillion as at December 2021.

According to the commission, operators had invested N8.35 trillion in Federal Government Securities, while other were invested in mutual funds.

But despite the relative acceptance, which the CPS had enjoyed, the wide knowledge gap in the pension industry remained a major source of worry to the commission and stakeholders.

If fact, it is believed that some of the clamours by public institutions to exit the scheme would have been greatly minimised if massive awareness had been put up by both regulators and operators since the inception of the CPS.  

A top PenCom official recently admitted to the lack of adequate enlightenment as being one of the challenges of the industry.

He said, “I agree with you that we need massive awareness campaign and we want to appeal as a commission because we won’t do this alone. There is a big knowledge gap in the pension industry in terms of how people know how the industry operates. The media should help because massive awareness campaign is more effective when all the stakeholders are doing that.”

It took the explanation of the PenCom, to douse an already tensed atmosphere during the public hearing.  Perhaps, had people known some of the facts disclosed, the clamour to exit the scheme would have been given a second thought by the agitators.  Also, an aggressive awareness campaign could help deepen coverage of pension administration. 

Strategies interventions

However,  the PenCom under the current leadership has mapped out policy initiatives to better address the limitations in the scheme.  

Part of the strategic focus is resolution of liabilities of the federal government as well as improved public awareness and customer service delivery.

Others include the diversification pension assets’ investment portfolio from FGN securities to ensure it is spread across many asset classes to improve their safety.

PenCom is also focused on enforcement and compliance and expand pension coverage to the states as well as ensure that the scheme is sustainable over time.

The strategy is to further ensure that programmes and policies remained people – centric and that people feel they belong to the scheme.

Assets and Infrastructure 

The Chief Executive of the Pension Fund Operators Association of Nigeria (PenOP), Mr. Oguche Agudah, has said the country must come to terms with the fact that pension assets will provide ample opportunity for the development of critical infrastructure.

He said the current advocacy is therefore, focused on educating Nigerians on the use of the collective wealth to improve national development.

Rather than deplete pension assets by exiting the scheme,  the PenOP boss insisted that the collective wealth should be used to help the system build better infrastructure adding that there should be a limit to wanton private consumption.

According to him, those seeking to exit the scheme were only being ungrateful for the transparency, professionalism and consistency so far demonstrated within the over 16 years of the CPS administration in the country. 

According to him, the CPS remained the safest and most sustainable scheme currently adding that there had been in-built checks and balances by the PFAs, Pension Fund Custodians (PFCs) as well as PenCOM, which is the industry regulator and further vetted by the National Assembly.

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