Adamu Garba: Plot to Oust Buni is like a coup d’etat in Party Politics

APC chieftain and 2019 ex- presidential aspirant Adamu Garba II has expressed dismay at the high level of illegalities, uncarned attitude and desparate actions displayed by some senior members within the party with the aim to tarnish the image of the legitimate chairman of the APC Convention Extra-Ordinary Caretaker committee (CECPC) Mai Mala Buni, and to bequeath powers to themselves and their cronies.

Mai Mala Buni who is also the Executive Governor of Yobe State and said to be abroad on a medical trip has rejected the move to forcefully oust him out of his position as the party acting chairman. Buni has also through several public forums questioned the grounds in which Sani Bello choose to assume leadership of the party.

Adamu Garba reacting to this new developments within his party the APC via his official Facebook Page stated that

“Governor Abubakar Sanni Bello simply installed himself as the acting chairman of the party because I want to know or maybe there are some critical questions we want to ask. Who installed him to be the Chairman? Because the constitution of CECPC does not allow for any Vice Chairman and even if there is supposed to be a handing over, it was supposed to be done by the substantive Chairman of the CECPC under the leadership of Mai Mala Buni – a handing over note to him. That wasn’t substantiated, so who installed him?

“The second thing again is the swearing in that you conducted for this state chairmen, under which law and whose authority was he able to do that?

“The third thing again is that the committee that he allegedly constituted as the committee for the March 26th convention; under whose authority or law or on which legal basis is this committee supposed to be constituted by someone that is not nominated by the NEC.

“We need to be able to understand these things, we can’t just have coup d’etat in democracy because this is a clear case of coup d’etat, and in party politics, we have to follow the law, the constitution and also the advice of the structure as constituted. You cannot be able to do any major action in the party without NWC and NWC are the only body that is responsible to summon any meeting and conduct any operation that is agreeable by the party.

“This is the only body that is recognized by INEC, by the constitution and by the law, but I don’t understand the situation whereby someone came into the party, parked where the chairman of the party used to pack his car and suddenly became the chairman and people started following him, simply because he said he is acting on the instruction of the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

“The President that has never done anything against the law. There is no President in the history of this country that has ever obeyed the law than President Muhammadu Buhari, therefore I don’t believe that President Muhammadu Buhari would buy illegality because what they are doing is illegal.

“Now every single action of Govenor Sanni Bello’s leadership or parallel leadership of APC he has taken is subject to illegality, even the court order that they are purportedly claiming that Mai Mala Buni secured to postpone this convention that is due to take place on the 26th of March 2022, how sure are we that they are not the ones that planted this court order in order for them to be able to smear and spoil and discredit Mai Mala Buni.

“I believe Mai Mala Buni is being hunted simply because he is like us. He has no surname, he is not coming from a rich home, he is just like us. So, that is why they, being the Marfians in the country or within the party, they want to take over the party that we put our sweat and blood to build as sons of nobodies. So as sons of nobodies, the only person I would back here is Mai Malaboni until there is any legal jurisdiction that says “No!”, he is still the substantive Chairman of this party.

“We should not worry about any hulabalu black market party membership that we are seeing today. This is not the party. This is not APC. This is not the party. These are not leadership of APC. To the best of my knowledge, as at now, they are still imposters except if there is any NEC meeting that proves us otherwise, what they are doing now is imposition and every single thing they do is illegality. Therefore, if you a Chairman of a state or maybe you are also member of any of the committee they have constituted, take it as something that is not serious because it is not going to pass the court of law.”

He finally added, “We have a mature, determined and responsible President, whatever the issues are with our great party the APC, I tell you all, we will emerge more united stronger and win will landslide in the 2023 general elections.”

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