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Diplomacy is the way forward, not bombings, writes Rajendra Aneja
This is an appeal to President Putin to agree to a cease fire in Ukraine and accept the suggestion of President Volodymyr Zelenskyy of Ukraine, to have a one-to-one meeting, to resolve issues. Over two and half million Ukrainian refugees, principally women and children have fled their homes. The sons and husbands of the women refugees, have stayed on to fight the war.
The refugees are now seeking shelter in unknown homes and locations in Europe. They are at the mercy of others. They are without their families, homes and money. If the war can be stopped, then these families can live together again. The war will leave permanent scars on the minds and souls of the one million children, who are moving countries and camps.
Whilst the exact number of casualties on both the sides are not yet known, they would be running into thousands. Young men in both the armies, are losing their lives. They will leave families and responsibilities behind them. Soldiers on both sides, could be maimed or handicapped for life, in these bloody battles. If there is a way to save the lives of people in both countries, through a dialogue between the leaders, then it should be pursued relentlessly.
The Russian missiles are striking at the military positions in Ukraine. However, they are also hitting homes, schools, hospitals, nuclear power stations, etc. Ukraine’s infrastructure, built over centuries, is crumbling. It takes years to build an elegant church or a hospital. However, it takes a missile a few seconds to rubble them. Mr. President Putin, let us preserve what the forefathers have built. Let us not destroy lives, buildings and infrastructure, created with time, patience and talent.
So, thus is an urgent request to you, President Putin, please find an alternate solution by talking to the Ukrainian President. Let us avoid creation of women and child refugees, killing of young soldiers and destruction of cities.
The second appeal is to Volodymyr Zelenskyy, President of Ukraine to guarantee that his country will remain neutral between Russia and NATO, to avoid further bloodshed. Russia’s key reason for wanting to subjugate Ukraine or unify Russia and Ukraine, is the latter’s dalliance with NATO. Granted that joining NATO and the European Union will bring manifold benefits to Ukraine like free travel across Europe, greater employment opportunities and free trade. However, if Ukraine joins NATO, allied troops and arsenal will be positioned in Ukraine. NATO will then be just 300 miles from Moscow.
As World War II ended, the mistrust between the Soviets led by Stalin and the Western allies led by President Truman, resulted in the partitioning of Germany and the cold war. Even after the “detente” sponsored by President Gorbachev and President Reagan, the rivalry between the superpowers has persisted. So, there is no way, that President Putin will let Ukraine survive, if he suspects that it will join NATO. President Putin has made his intentions lucid. He could bomb Ukraine to the stone age, but will not let it join NATO.
The Western allies have given arms and hardware to Ukraine, but have steadfastly refused to engage in direct battle. They realise if they do so, it will lead to a world war. Hence, they have been sensibly discreet. They condemn Russia, but refuse to battle. Mr. President, please appreciate these hard facts. Please, declare Ukraine as a neutral country. Build your country into an economic powerhouse, a tourist and business hub, like the UAE and Singapore. Make your country so tourist and business friendly, that people should not want to live elsewhere. There is no rout in this option, it is maturity and pragmatism.
So, Mr. President, this is an appeal to make peace with Russia, so that the fighting stops, the refugee influx halts and pretty Ukraine does not mutilate further.
The third appeal is to President Biden of the USA. Sir, please ensure that Western leaders exercise moderation in the aggressive stances against Mr. Putin and Russia. Granted that Russia is the aggressor; Mr. Putin has never denied this. However, Russia and Ukraine have been having bilateral issues during the last two decades, including Ukraine’s desire to join NATO.
It would be a mistake to isolate and corner Mr. Putin and keep disparaging him. If we want this war to end, we have to build bridges with him and keep communication channels open. We cannot use words like aggressor, invader, punishable, etc., and expect him to be reasonable. The President of a nuclear superpower like Russia, cannot be admonished like a school boy. The next World War will be a nuclear war. In a nuclear war, every nation, will get pulverised; human beings will be vaporized. Planet earth could become a flaming funeral pyre. So, the situation should not be allowed to escalate any further. Hence, restraint is required on all sides.
The fourth appeal is to President Xi of China. Senior global leaders like President Xi and President Biden should just fly to Moscow and meet Mr. Putin as a friend, and talk him out of the war. Such appeals, instead of denunciations, could create a climate for solutions. The Vice President of the USA visited Poland, she could also have visited Moscow, to meet President Putin.
Countries like China, UAE, India, etc., which have remained neutral, should form a Group and negotiate a settlement between Russia and Ukraine. When India and China were embattled in 1962, six non-aligned nations comprising of Burma (now Myanmar), Cambodia, Ceylon (now Sri Lanka), Ghana, Indonesia and the UAE, met in Colombo from 10 to 12 December 1962. They formulated the Colombo Proposals for China and India. All the provisions were not acceptable to both countries; nevertheless, the Colombo Group ensured a ceasefire.
Even the Pope or the Dalai Lama could call President Putin and request him to silence the guns. We must end this war in which children, women and common citizens are victims. Ideologies and prides are secondary. Diplomacy is the way forward; not bombings.
Aneja was the Managing Director of Unilever Tanzania. He is an alumnus of Harvard Business School and the author of books entitled, “Rural Marketing across Countries and “Business Express”. He is a Management Consultant.