Last week, we started a discussion on Vaginal Candidiasis also known as  vaginal yeast infection, its causes and symptoms in the vagina. This week, we will be concluding with effect of vaginal candidiasis on fertility, prevention, diagnosis and treatment.

Effect of Vaginal Candidiasis on Fertility

Vaginal health is vital for both fertility and personal well-being. While yeast infections do not cause infertility, vaginal infection and altered vaginal environment can have a significant impact on a woman’s ability to conceive.

Vaginal Candidiasis creates a watery thick discharge in the vagina that blocks the passageway of sperm and makes it difficult for sperm to swim further and penetrate the cervix.

This yeast infection makes the vaginal environment highly acidic and sperm cannot survive in such environment. Even when the woman is ovulating, the acidic environment destroys the sperms thereby delaying pregnancy.

Inflammation and burning sensations in the vaginal area also makes it difficult for women to have sexual intercourse. During sexual activity, women experience pain due to symptoms associated with vaginal candidiasis. All of these symptoms create unwillingness towards sexual activity, lowering the chance of getting pregnant. In this situation, it is also best to avoid sex because the infection can easily spread to the partner.


  • After toilet use, ensure to wipe from front to back because the rectal area is full of yeast.
  • Avoid using soap around the vaginal area because it kills the good bacteria in the vaginal environment while having no effect on yeast.
  • Dry underwear under sunlight.
  • Sterilize or discard underwear used during your last infection; if you must keep them, then boil or iron  before use.
  • Wear cotton underwear that is loose.
  • Avoid wearing tight pants or pantyhose.
  • Stay away from chemicals like scented tampons and vaginal douches, which are ineffective and might cause infection.
  • Hot tubs and steamy baths can increase the growth of yeast..
  • Change your contraceptives pill if recurrent infection is observed.
  • Change wet clothing as quickly as possible, especially bathing suits and ensure the pubic region is dried up.
  • Use only sexual lubricants that are water-based.
  • Ensure to keep the blood sugar levels as close to normal as possible if you have diabetes because diabetes management can aid in the prevention of vaginal yeast infections.
  • Less sugar and alcohol intake as these supports the growth of yeast
  • Intake of unpasteurized yogurt to balance the presence of yeast in the vaginal environment

Diagnosis: It is important to visit the doctor if:

  • You are experiencing signs of a yeast infection for the first time.
  • You are not sure if it is a yeast infection.
  • No improvement after using over-the-counter antifungal vaginal creams or drugs.

If you have recurrent yeast infection, your doctor may perform a test to confirm diagnosis. A sample of vaginal discharge may be obtained to detect the type of yeast infection based on the symptoms and the sample of discharge provided, as well as the best way to treat it.

If symptoms are observed in the mouth, a tiny sample from the mouth or throat is sometimes taken by a healthcare practitioner. The sample is taken to a lab for examination, where it is usually inspected under a microscope.

Endoscopy is the most common way for doctors to diagnose candidiasis in the esophagus. An endoscopy is a procedure that uses a tube with a light and a camera to inspect the digestive tract. A doctor may administer antifungal medication without performing an endoscopy to evaluate if the patient’s symptoms improve.


There are many distinct forms of yeast when it comes to treating a vaginal yeast infection. Depending on the type of yeast infection, your healthcare professional / doctor  may discuss several treatment options with you.

A vaginal yeast infection is usually treated with an antifungal drug prescribed by your doctor. This type of drug is used to treat yeast overgrowth in the body and it is in two forms: oral and topical.

Topical treatments are creams applied to the infected area while oral medications are taken by mouth.

You will be provided information on each type of medication as well as instructions on how to take it properly. When using these medications, it is critical to constantly follow your provider’s directions to ensure that the infection is completely treated and does not reoccur.


Vaginal candidiasis, often known as vaginal yeast infection, is a common infection. It is normal for bacteria and yeast cells to be found in a healthy vagina. However, when the bacteria-yeast equilibrium shifts, yeast cells can multiply leading to itching, swelling, and irritation. Vaginal yeast infections are not considered as sexually transmitted infections (STIs) because women who are not sexually active can also be infected.

Treating a vaginal yeast infection can relieve symptoms within a few days. In more severe cases, it may take longer. It is essential to treat the underlying cause when treating yeast infection. Controlling the source of the infection can help avoid vaginal yeast infections in the future.

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