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How Nigerians Can Be Wealthy In One Generation

By Reno Omokri
On Wednesday, March 16, 2022, the European Supervisory Authorities, an organ of the European Union, released a statement warning the public that cryptocurrency is a risky investment and could wipe out all their savings.
Since that time, the discussion in the investment world has been about which sector to invest in that will bring about minimum risks and maximum profits.
Indeed, you can make maximum profits from cryptocurrency and non-fungible tokens. However, the risk is quite significant.
But one area where the risk is very minimal is real estate. I know this because I have made millions of dollars from real estate. That sector is probably the most stable investment anyone can make, other than investing in gold, which has been in existence since God created the Earth – Genesis 2-10-11.
It is pretty easy to understand why real estate is as stable and profitable as it is. The world is not increasing in size. Earth is not expanding like some other planets are. The landmass of Earth is fixed.
However, the population of our planet is expanding. I know that is an understatement, but I am a businessman, so I tend to be conservative in my language. However, some people say that what is happening to the world’s population is an explosion, not an expansion.
So, where you have limited accommodation and unlimited population, it makes common sense that real estate will be a booming sector now and into the future.
The world’s population is 7.9 billion in the year 2022. In eight years (2030), Taft’s figure is projected to rise (or explode) to 9 billion.
There is a global housing deficit of over a billion. Therefore, there is a market for real estate.
According to the International Monetary Fund’s Global Housing Watch, global house prices continued to rise during the pandemic because people never stopped needing houses.
And it is a fact that wealth is the result of creating value. Riches are the consequence of providing a service. Upward mobility is the reward for solving problems.
And that is why I encourage everyone to be in real estate.
Buy or build your house to live in. Then buy or build another house to rent out, or as an investment for, say, short letting, Airbnb, or condominiums.
That way, you will have a lifetime roof over your head and passive income for life.
The most limited resource on Earth is land and water. The human population is exploding. But the Earth’s physical landmass and water resources are not. Which can only mean that as the population rises globally, real estate prices will increase exponentially, except a massive chunk of us will follow Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos into space and fund new habitable planets there.
And until that becomes a possibility, we must focus on making life on Earth better. And my way of doing that is through real estate.
It has catapulted me from systemic, generic and endemic poverty to wealth beyond my wildest imagination, and I have promised myself that the rest of my life would be devoted, in part, to mentoring others, especially my countrymen, until they can replicate my success story.
Because although God has blessed my effort and turned my situation about, I know that I am not the big picture. The big picture is that we need to change Nigeria from the world headquarters for extreme poverty to a global haven for prosperity.
Crude oil is too crude to give the poverty we face the rising shock it deserves. Only two things can do that in one generation: education and real estate. And I thank God, I can help provide both.
Through my mentoring programme, I am teaching Nigerian youths how I escaped poverty by investing in the real estate sector. And I thank my mentor, Reno Omokri, who has given me this platform and others, to reach out to an even wider audience.
My dream is to be the driving force for creating phenomenal prosperity in Nigeria and eradicate the 17 million housing deficit being faced by Nigerians.
And let’s close with this: Nigeria’s wealth is above ground, not below ground. Our riches are to be found in what is between the ears of our people and what stands on the terra firma of our country.
So let us think generationally and accumulate wealth for ourselves and our heirs in perpetuity by investing in one of the only few assets that has the capacity to be passed down from one generation to the next in perpetuity.
Joseph Nantomah is the CEO of Milwaukee-based Global Investors Capital.
Reno’s Nuggets
Dear men,
If you are dating a girl, and she does not sin with you in the bedroom, and she bought her phone, and the words ‘Transport Fare’ has never come out of her mouth, and she does not send you ‘urgent 2k’ texts, then what you have is a treasure. A real treasure! Such women do exist. Don’t allow yourself to be deceived into thinking that they don’t. They may not bleach. They may not do body enhancement surgeries. They may wear their natural hair. And because they are so real, you think they are local. But better a local girl, than a girl whose beauty can be erased by a hot towel!