Let’s Use Sports to End the War in Ukraine

By Tayo Balogun

I have never liked wars. Mainly because it leaves no winners, only losers. Also because it shows a descent to bestiality when reason goes on a long break. There is a stupidity about wars that makes it an option for those who do not have a way to express what they believe in. Those who think they have all the advantages, often rush into wars they eventually end up losing. 

The world lost the war with Muammar Gaddafi because after his murder, there has been no peace in that part of the world. The shameful war with Saddam Hussein has turned the Middle East into a simmering theatre of conflict. Now, the embers of a possible World War3 is being fanned by just about everybody. But the West, consumed, by a desire to extend its hegemony to every part of the world, is subsequently goading Ukraine to self-destruct. Sadly, those who are well placed to advise caution,  have chosen to look the other way with their silence. And of course, Brother Putin, the unrepentant ‘enfant terrible’ is very desperate to use any means possible to reclaim the Soviet Union Empire long dismantled.

Today, I do not seek to bore you with tales of war. I contend that wars are evil and therefore should painstakingly be avoided. My view is that the present war in Ukraine should not have been and that everything should be done to stop it. I think that every opportunity should be used to stop the war and the attendant pain it costs. I am appalled by the sanctions being applied on Russia when there are not many instances when such sanctions have worked.

Those who claim to love Ukraine want sanctions rained on Russia but evidence available shows that for a very long time the Russians have been living with sanctions imposed by the West and have as a result become largely unaffected by them. A Nigerian living in Moscow said there is no evidence to show that sanctions imposed have so far had any significant effect. The mongers of war on both sides of the Ukrainian conflict do not seem to want the crises quickly terminated. Instead of encouraging both sides to dialogue, they are either promising to impose more sanctions on Russia or to supply more weapons to Ukraine. The eventual result would see a proliferation of arms in that region which would make Poland, Germany, Greece etc less safe than they now are.

Sadly, they have included sports in the list of sanctions to be imposed on Russia. Instead of using sports to foster dialogue and reconciliation, they want to turn it into a weapon of war. The last time I checked, about half of Ukraine speak the Russian language while about 20 per cent of the population are indigenous Russians. In essence, the conflict in Ukraine is resolvable by using sports to foster goodwill and camaraderie. Banning Russian Federation athletes from worldwide sporting activities can only lead to the hardening of attitudes and tendencies. When it is obvious that sanctions against Russia won’t work, it is only right to consider diplomatic options and sports can come in handily. 

My view is that we should take advantage of the atmosphere offered in competitive sport to seek an end to the Ukrainian quagmire. Past embargoes placed on Russia hasn’t worked. Instead, it has been able to save and build its economic reserves to survive for more than 20  months. Cutting them off world sporting competitions could create splinter organizations. The options offered by sports should therefore be exploited to foster peace and harmony. 

In passing, I wonder why the present friends of Ukraine did not do enough to encourage her to forge unity within its borders instead of now rushing to send arms and ammunition in droves to people who now live in fear. 

Is this the New World Order? I believe we should use sports to promote peace not to enforce meaningless embargoes.

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