Nigerian scholar highlights the benefits of calorie restriction

Tosin Clegg

A US-based Nigerian expert, Oghogho Ebeigbe, has made scientific contribution to molecular biology that has caught the attention of the global audience.

Information pieced together reveals that Ebeigbe’s work is driven by his passion for exploring the transformative power of diets as vital lifestyle interventions.

Ebeigbe is a researcher in the esteemed laboratory of Professor Kondratov at Cleveland State University. He focuses on investigating the regulation of hepatic lipid metabolism through calorie restriction (CR) diets and is excelling in his field.

According to him, “CR is a longevity-promoting dietary intervention, known to extend the lifespan of many organisms. CR is implemented by reducing the daily calorie intake without malnutrition of essential nutrients. Experimental animals receive a reduced amount of food compared to their overfed counterparts.”

He explained further that, “The initial discovery of CR as a lifespan-promoting diet dates back to the early 1930s. With the advancement of molecular biology, researchers are better equipped to investigate specific mechanisms of CR that are essential for its benefits. This avenue also opens opportunities for drug development, by developing compounds to suppress or activate CR targets.”

Ebeigbe is also interested in liver fat metabolism – the process whereby fatty acids are used to generate cellular energy.

“The liver is the body’s central metabolic hub. When the liver is compromised, the entire body’s health is at risk,” he noted.

“My fascination is to understand the changes in energy metabolism in response to CR. These specific adaptations may be important for the health benefits of CR”, he pointed out.

Ebeigbe’s research on liver energy metabolism adds important knowledge to the field of calorie restriction and metabolism. He has co-authored several impactful scientific papers that elucidate the regulation of liver lipid metabolism by CR.

His team discovered that CR enhances liver fatty acid oxidation — a critical pathway for energy metabolism — while elevating key energy intermediates such as short-chain acyl-carnitines and ketone bodies. He comments, “Our findings provide evidence of the metabolic adaptation of calorie restricted animals to the energy demands imposed by such restricted feeding.” He elucidated that fatty acid oxidation is a current focus of research efforts to alleviate fatty liver diseases. His research contributes to energy metabolism but may also offer possible insights into the potential health benefits of CR against fatty liver disease.

While the benefits of calorie restriction are compelling, Ebeigbe advises that before you make significant dietary changes, one should consult with a healthcare provider or a registered dietitian to tailor a calorie-restricted diet that meets one’s nutritional needs.

He emphasizes, “It is crucial to approach this lifestyle change with balance and caution. Extreme calorie reduction can lead to malnutrition and other health issues. The goal is to reduce intake moderately while ensuring a nutrient-balanced diet.”

Ebeigbe is devoted to continue unravelling the mysteries of calorie restriction diet. As more research unfolds, the promise of a healthier future through mindful eating may become clearer. it below:

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