Supporting Business Growth with MDXi

The recent launch of MDXi Lekki II Data Centre by MainOne in Lagos, which is an expansion of its initial data centre, will support the growth of data business in Nigeria and advance economic development, writes Emma Okonji

With the exponential growth of the fourth industrial revolution, where data is key, it has become essential to provide robust and secured data centres to warehouse data growth across Nigeria.

In recent times, Nigeria is experiencing the establishment of new Tier 111 data centres, while existing ones are being expanded, in order to accommodate more data in a secured and business friendly environment. 

MainOne, last week, launched its MDXi Lekki II Data Centre, which is an expansion of its initial data centre, that has reached its full operations capacity as a result of data growth in Nigeria.

A modular data centre consists of purpose-engineered modules and components to offer scalable data centre capacity with multiple power and cooling options. Modules can be shipped to be added, integrated or retrofitted into an existing data centre or combined into a system of modules. Modular data centres typically consist of standardised components.

Modular data center refers to each module has independent functions, a unified input, and output interface, different regions of the module can be mutually backup, through the arrangement of related modules to form a complete data centre . There are many kinds of modular forms, which can be the design method and the idea, can also be the product.

Modular design method include the use of modular design in the space layout. In the product form, there are several forms of data centre modularity: Modular products, micromodules (Micro module), and container-type data centers. 

Some of the advantages of modular data systems are scalability, changeability, replaceability, among others.

For scalability, modular infrastructure can be deployed based on current Information Technology (IT) requirements, and additional components can be added later on demand. This will significantly reduce the total cost of ownership.

For changeability, the system modules can be reconfigured to provide great flexibility to meet changing its requirements. The modular systems can be portable, such as standalone components, standard interfaces, and Easy-to-understand structures that save time and money when installing, upgrading, reconfiguring, or moving modularity.

Failed modules can be easily replaced for upgrades or repairs, and often do not need to stop the system from running.

In terms of energy consumption, modular data centres can control energy consumption through centralised management and increase device utilisation, thereby reducing resource consumption. 

Expansion Plan 

The MDXi Lekki II Data Centre is a Tier III certified data centre with 520 racks capacity and two megawatts power in the first phase, which could be scalable when the need arises. It is an expansion of the MainOne initial data centre that has reached its full capacity of 600 racks.

Speaking at the launch of the expanded data centre, the Chief Executive Officer of MainOne, Funke Opeke, said the growing demand for data centre services in Lagos, motivated MDXi to expand its data centre. “MDXi Lekki I Data Centre is full to its capacity and MDXi Lekki II is just the beginning of the expansion of the MainOne Data Centre Campus. 

Data Centre One has the capacity of 600 racks and the Data Centre Two has a capacity of 520 racks in the first phase and we plan to increase its capacity as demand increases, because it is scalable. Our plan is to make our data centres the hub for business activities in Lagos,” Opeke said.

Speaking about MainOne’s expectation from government that will further drive data centre development in the state, Opeke said: “We need an enabling environment to enhance data centre services expansion in the Lekki corridors. We need expansion of road networks and other facilities as well as permit to lay fibre cables from the data centres. We also need physical security of the environment and we want to commend Lagos State government for fast developing the Lekki axis where businesses are currently moving to.”

In the area of security provided by MainOne around the MDXi facilities, Opeke said the area has standard security measures put in place that is certified to global standards, with International Standards Organisation (ISO 27001) certification and certified with payment record certification. “We are also compliant with the Nigerian Data Protection Laws, which is a new regulation for data protection in Nigeria,” Opeke further said.

She said the data centre would further help in driving digital transformation in the country, since data monitoring could be used by government to make informed decision about governance. Before now, organisations take their data to foreign countries for storage and data management, but with the expansion of MDXi in Lagos, organisations now store and manage their data in our data centres, which is an avenue for cost reduction for businesses,” Opeke added.

FG’s Commitment 

Reiterating government’s commitment on digital policies that will drive data centre growth in the country, the Minister of Communications and Digital Economy, Dr. Isa Ibrahim Pantami, reiterated the federal government’s commitment to develop digital policies that would attract more foreign investments to Nigeria.

Pantami restated government’s commitment, during the launch of MDXi Lekki II Data Centre by MainOne in Lagos last week. 

The Minister who was represented by the Chairman, Nigerian Communications Commission Board, Prof. Adeolu Akande, welcomed Equinix investment to Nigeria, the parent company of MainOne, and assured Equinix, a global digital infrastructure company, of government support to enable its investments to thrive in Nigeria. 

“The federal government has developed its National Digital Economy Policy and Strategy with a clear vision to transform Nigeria into a leading economy. Government also developed its National Broadband Plan, which was Chaired by the CEO of MainOne, Funke Opeke, to enhance broadband penetration and development in the country. The MDXi Lekki II Data Centre that is being launched today, is in line with the objectives of FG’s National Digital Economy Policy and Strategy. 

“With the exponential growth of the fourth industrial revolution, it has become essential to provide robust and secured data centres to warehouse data growth. Nigeria and the world indeed is experiencing unprecedented growth of data and we need reliable data centres, hence the need to commend MainOne for expanding its data centre operations to accommodate more data storage,” Pantami said.

LASG Commitment 

Lagos State Governor, Babajide Sanwo-Olu, who was physically present at the launch of the expanded data centre, commended MainOne for supporting technology innovation across Nigeria, through its expanded data and broadband projects, since it berthed its sub-marine cable in Nigeria from Europe in 2010. Sanyo-Olu also commended Equinix for investing in MainOne to expand its global infrastructure capabilities in Nigeria, and he assured Equinix and MainOne of government support for business growth and further expansion.

“We welcome Equinix to Lagos and to Nigeria, which is the largest economy on the African continent, with the largest youth population and diversity. Nigeria has been experiencing technology investments from global technology companies like Microsoft, Google and others in recent times and we welcome Equinix for joining the train of investments in Nigeria. In recent years, Lagos has become a leading destination for technology startups and a home for global technology companies. As government, we will continue to develop policies that will support private investments. Lagos has reached advanced stage of the rollout of the first phase of its 3,000km terrestrial fibre optic cable deployment across the state, with a view to supporting investments in Lagos State,” Sanwo-Olu said.

Equinix Views 

The Vice President, Growth and Emerging Markets at Equinix, Judith Gardiner, said the acquisition of MainOne by Equinix, would further give Nigeria access to global and regional technology innovations. “Nigeria, being the largest economy with the largest population in Africa, has been a home for local and global Fintech players and Equinix is pleased to invest in MainOne and in Nigeria because of the great opportunities that abound for business expansion and growth,” Gardiner said.

Giving reasons for the launch of MDXi Lekki II Data Centre, Opeke, said MainOne has exceeded the 600 racks capacity of its first data centre, hence the need to build the second data centre to accommodate more customers. “The second data centre has 520 racks capacity with two megawatts power in the first phase, with plans to further expand the capacity, which is fast becoming a hub for digital activities in Lagos,” Opeke said. 

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