Oxbridge Club Plans Students’ Sustainable Scholarship Scheme

Funmi Ogundare

The Oxford and Cambridge Club of Nigeria (OCCN) have elected new executives that will steer their affairs, just as the new President, Mr. Lanre Fatimilehin, called for a sustainable scholarship scheme for students seeking to pursue degrees at the universities.

At the 2022 Annual General Meeting (AGM), held both virtually and physically in Lagos, Fatimilehin emphasised building sustainable scholarship funds.

In a recent statement, he noted that the club had continued to receive requests for financial support from students seeking to pursue degrees at the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge, adding that it entered into a partnership with the Cambridge Commonwealth, European and International Trust to offer jointly-funded scholarships for study at the University of Cambridge.

He, however, solicited financial support from members, adding, “small contributions of £5,000 would go a long way in assisting the students.

He added, “It would be wonderful if we are able to offer two grants of £5,000 to one student going to Oxford and another one going to Cambridge.”

He stated that £10,000 annually should not be beyond the reach of the membership of the club.

He acknowledged the support and contributions of Chief Phillip Asiodu, Prof. Bomi Ogedengbe, Mr Fela Akoni, Mr. Demola Akinrele (SAN) and Mr. Jonathan Millard.

Other newly elected executives include: Vice President (Oxford), Mr. Obiora Agbim; Vice President (Cambridge), Mr. Adeola Adenubi; Honorary Secretary, Ms Oyin Eva Johnson; Honorary Treasurer, Mrs. Ehimhen Okoh-Agunloye; Membership Secretary, Dr. Onyeka Erobu; and Social Secretary, Mrs. Ebun Awosika.

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