UBA Leverages Cutting Edge Technology, Processes Over 25,000 Trade Transactions in Four months

Oluchi Chibuzor

Africa’s Global Bank, United Bank for Africa (UBA) Plc continues to put its customers at the forefront of its business, leveraging its cutting-edge technology and its vast business touchpoints to offer better services to its customers.

Over the years the bank has invested in robust technological platforms to support seamless integration of services in a bid to satisfy the unique needs of its customers in this digital era. The bank has provided access to trade links across most of its digital channels, making it easy for customers to perform transactions with any device from anywhere at any time.

Between January and April 2022, the bank has supported over 25,000 individuals and businesses with their trade transactions, a feat no other bank has been able to attain.

“You never get a no from UBA, they are diligent and effectively treat all trade requests for both their customers and customers of other banks, “said a stakeholder.

UBA supported requests for Personal Travel Allowance, Business Travel Allowance, Medical bills payment, Upkeep and School fees payment, processing over 25,000 transactions, when apparently other banks haven’t been able to process more than 10,000 transactions within this period.

The bank has continued to leverage its presence across Africa to create an avenue for trade between countries/individuals whilst facilitating easy payment for goods and services rendered across these borders. In Nigeria, they continue to support businesses with processing Form M and Form Q for importation of goods, Export Trade – Form NXP (commercial export) and NCX (non-commercial export).

The bank is definitely poised to do more in this area of trade and is clearly committed to satisfying both the importers and exporters

This sounds like a bank that is truly committed to its Customer First philosophy, which promises to put its customers first and at the forefront of every business decision and the bank’s commitment to processing its customers transactions firmly corroborates this.

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