Zoho Harps on Personalisation Needs, Data Privacy

Emma Okonji

President, Middle East and Africa (MEA) at Zoho Corporations, Hyther Nizam, has stressed the importance of personalisation in fulfilling customer expectations.

He however said a changing consumer mindset about privacy makes the necessary data acquisition a difficult and expensive process.

“It has been proven that personalisation increases sales, customer loyalty, and client lifetime value. Amazon’s quarterly sales increased by 29 per cent after implementing targeted recommendations, and 80 per cent of customers are more inclined to make a purchase when provided with a personalised experience.

“But how can brands balance the benefits of personalisation with the privacy concerns of their customers? The most effective strategies employ zero-party data to drive marketing and sales, give customers power over how their data is used, and incorporate transparency and privacy into every department’s processes. Zero-party data is the data a customer provides voluntarily,” Nizam said. 

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