Police Arrest 154 Suspects for Various Crimes in Borno

The  Police have  arrested no fewer than 154 suspects    various crimes in Borno State. The Commissioner of Police in the state, Mr. Abdul Umar, confirmed this while briefing newsmen at the command headquarters in Maiduguri.

Umar said that out of the 154 suspects, 67 of them were charged to court and remanded in prison custody for being in possession of dangerous arms and disturbance of public peace in Maiduguri metropolis and its environs.

He explained that during the period under review, there were a total of 45 cases reported at the command, 87 suspects arrested, 10 cases charged to court and 35 cases were still under investigation.

He listed the cases to include four cases of rape; eight cases of culpable homicide with nine suspects arrested and being investigated; four cases of kidnapping with nine suspects arrested and being investigated.

Others were 11 cases of criminal conspiracy, disturbance of public peace, assault and possession of dangerous weapons with 19 suspects arrested, seven charged to court and four being investigated.

“There was also a case of criminal conspiracy and theft of armoured cables with five suspects arrested and one being investigated; three being in possession of dry leaves suspected to be Indian hemp with eight suspects wanted and three being investigated; 12 cases of theft with 18 suspects arrested, three charged to court and nine being investigated,” he said.

Umar noted that there were cases of criminal conspiracy, forgery, abetment and official breach of trust with a suspect arrested and being investigated.

According to him, nine other suspects were arrested for destroying and theft of government properties.

Umar said that a joint effort of the military and the police led to the recovery of three guntrucks and arms after a fierce battle with Boko Haram insurgents.

The police commissioner reiterated the commitment of the command toward fighting crimes in the state, lauding other security agencies and media for their complementary roles.

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