Ayiri Emami: A Rising Political Pillar


Ayiri Emami’s story is a great lesson for self-starters everywhere because it debunks so many of the prejudices and stereotypes that unfairly hold many back. He dispelled the idea that underprivileged kids somehow could not hack it into high society and that being from humble backgrounds is somehow at odds with being an aristocrat.

Contrary to what you might read, Emami is no overnight sensation.  In fact, he achieved success the old-fashioned way: he earned it.  He worked hard and stayed humble. He lives the right way; he plays the right way. His story tells you that if you show grit, discipline and integrity, you too can get an opportunity to overcome the odds. 

However, his path to acclaim didn’t lie out on flat miles; it’s the imagination with which he perceives the world and the gestures by which he honours it that stands him apart. He’s now one of the rising political pillars in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria. There are not many young Nigerians who have risen from abject nothing to something. 

Long before he turned 40, Emami had been estimated to be worth billions of Naira.  With a taste for the good things of life, his garages are littered with several state-of-the-art cars including Bentley and Rolls Royce. Founder of the 911 Beach and Resorts in Ugborodo, Warri South West Local Government Area, Delta State, a major contractor to several oil companies including Chevron. He was a former Chairman of Delta Waterways Security Committee. He is the CEO of A & E Petrol and A & E Group of companies that have various holdings in oil, construction, logistics, 911 Hotels and Resorts, and 911 Entertainment.   

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