Deborah Yakubu: Threats Can’t Stop My Humanitarian Services, Says OPM GO

Blessing Ibunge in Port Harcourt

Founder and General Overseer of Omega Power Ministry (OPM) Apostle Chibuzor Chinyere,  has stated that no form of threats by some persons from the northern part of the country would stop his humanitarian services, especially to the poor and downtrodden in the society.

Apostle Chinyere was reacting to threat messages and calls he has been receiving over his decision to uplift life status of the family of Deborah Yakubu who was gruesomely killed at the Shehu Shagari College of Education in Sokoto in May.

The clergy spoke yesterday  in Port Harcourt, Rivers State, when an International Human Rights Commission presented him a global gold medal award for his years of service to humanity.

Apostle Chinyere donated an exquisite restaurant to the family of Deborah Yakubu, after which he moved the grieving family from Kaduna to Port Harcourt and gave them a 14 flat mini estate with certificate of ownership.

The clergy also gifted the family of Deborah a fully furnished two-bedroom flat, a car, with her younger siblings placed under scholarship.

Speaking on his passion to put smiles on the faces of the poor notwithstanding criticism from some unidentified persons in the society, Apostle Chinyere said he would not relent in his service to God and humanity.

“I don’t think anything can threaten me. They threatened so many things, when you are doing something for God you don’t bother about the threats. In order for those people to get me in their threat, they had to get God and Jesus out of the way, then get me inside. 

“So, I am not moved by their threats. Infact the more you threaten me, the more I do more, that is the way I operate. So I have gotten threats by some persons from purported Muslim section but I don’t see it as a threat but as a motivation.

“Many of my beneficiaries do not attend OPM, we have Muslims in our free schools, even in the free hospital. We don’t prevent them from wearing their hijab or do their prayers. Even the last scholarship, the 84 students that I sent to Cyprus, there is a Muslim among the beneficiaries. What we do is not for religion but humanity service because God is the creator of everybody”.

He appreciated the African Region of the International Human Rights Commission for the award, adding “The other time it was from the African Union and today is Human Rights Commission. This will infact propel me to do more”.

Earlier, Dr Friday Sani, High Commissioner for African Region of the International Human Rights Commission, explained the motive for the award.

Dr Sani : “What our father (Chinyere) here have done for humanity is exceptional one that attracted our world headquarters where the family of a girl that was burnt to death for no just cause, this particular revered person was able to look at what he gets from the church and decided to return it back to the people.

“Is an exceptional display of a christian leader. We have alot churches in Nigeria and alot of them I am even sure have the resources more than he do but what he has done in the life of the poor Deborah who was murdered in Nigeria, is something that should attract everyone to serve humanity and he took the lead in Nigeria and African continent.

“I think with this kind of a man Africa should be a good place and that is exactly what attracted the world headquarters to bestow on him this exceptional Gold Medal, not ordinarily awarded to an individual person”, Dr Sani added.

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