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WOFA Advocates Made in Africa Initiative at CHOGM22
The urgent need for a Made in Africa initiative that would spur infrastructure revolution across the continent was put on the front burner by the World Forum for Africa (WOFA) team at the just concluded Commonwealth Head of Government Meeting, #CHOGHM2022, in Kigali, Rwanda.
The WOFA team, led by its Co-convener, Mr. Abi Ahmed Haruna, engaged different stakeholders like Dr. Ernest Nsabimana, the Rwanda Minister of Infrastructure; Jumoke Jagun-Dokunmu, Regional Director of East Africa, International Finance Corporation of the World Bank Group; Wamkele Mene, Secretary General of AfCTA; and Dr. James Mwangi,
During his interactions with these stakeholders, Mr. Haruna shared WOFA’s objectives which borders on convening an innovative annual global private sector led summit that would chart the right course for the achievement of creative, innovative and sustainable financing solutions for Africa’s infrastructure transformation.
He also ceased the opportunity of the interaction to inform them about WOFA’s proprietary program, Infrastructure As An Asset or Service (IAAAS). The aim of this program is to put together a coherent Africa master plan for investment grade ‘agile infra’ that would galvanize long term capital flows to infrastructure projects across Africa because they have been derisked and represent a good return on investment for capital.
He noted that the IAAAS, which is a transnational initiative, will also be used to conceptualize and implement transformational infrastructural projects which are economically viable, resilient, environmentally sustainable and Africa inclusive.
Hosted as a partnership between the Government of Rwanda and Commonwealth Enterprise and Investment Council (CWEIC), this year’s forum had in attendance Heads of State and Government, Ministers and Senior Government Officials, Eminent leaders of global and regional development institutions, Captains of Industry and Board level business leaders, Innovators across all sectors and Representatives of Trade organisations across the world.