Akeredolu Donates 50 Patrol Vehicles to Security Agencies in Ondo

Fidelis David in Akure

Ondo State Governor, Mr. Oluwarotimi Akeredolu (SAN), yesterday, donated 50 fitted patrol vehicles to all the security agencies in the state.

Akeredolu, who said the move was as part of the commitment of his administration to further strengthen the security of lives and property of the people in the state,  vowed to smoke out all criminals in the state from their hiding places and make the state uncomfortable for them. 

Governor Akeredolu handed-over the patrol vehicles to heads of the security agencies including the Army; Navy, Nigeria Police, the Civil Defense Corps, Department of the State Services and the Ondo State Security Network Agency codenamed ‘Amotekun’, in Akure, the state capital. 

The governor explained that the inauguration and handing over of additional 50 patrol vehicles was a further demonstration of the commitment of his administration towards providing the needed support for all security agencies operating in the state.

He said, “We still recall with trepidation the dastardly act of last month when some daredevil terrorists who have lost their souls to the devil launched an attack at the St. Francis Catholic Church, Owaluwa in the ancient city of Owo. One of my promises then to the people of Ondo State was to do everything humanly possible to strengthen the capacity of our security agencies to be able to anticipate, prevent and combat a recurrence of such man’s inhumanity to mankind.

“Today, it gives me great delight to commission and hand over additional security equipment, particularly fitted patrol vehicles, to security agencies operating in the state towards boosting the capacity of our men in the line of duty of crime fighting so that our people can go about their businesses and livelihood without fear of molestation or attack. 

“In doing this, the agencies would be better equipped and strengthened to carry out their constitutional duties of protecting lives and property and combating acts of criminality in our dear state,” he stressed.

The governor emphasised that procurement and distribution of vehicles to security agencies have been a recurring exercise in the state since he came on board. 

“We have done this for the umpteenth time. As a government, we are aware of the inadequacies of our security agencies and we are prepared, more than ever, to be supportive because it borders on the lives of our people who voted us into office.  

“I wish to reassure the good people of Ondo State of our avowed commitment to the constitutional responsibility of every government which is the security of lives and property and welfare of the people as enshrined in Section 14 of the 1999 Constitution (As Amended). This will remain our topmost priority.”  

Akeredolu noted that the provision of the vehicles is in addition to other logistic support which his administration has continued to render because of its conviction in the dignity of human life. 

“I, therefore, wish to inform naysayers that we are prepared to make Ondo State uncomfortable and too hot for any identified criminals to hibernate. Therefore, these vehicles will be deployed to relevant security agencies in charge of internal security to enable them function more effectively and efficiently. Our key performance indicator shall remain a zero tolerance to crime of whatever dimension.” he noted.

The governor commended the sustained cooperation among the security agencies in the state, which he said has culminated in a more peaceful environment and reduction in crime occurrences. 

“It is apposite to state that in spite of the occasional flashes of incidence of criminalities, Ondo State still remains one of the relatively peaceful states in Nigeria. I salute you all for your efforts in this regard,” the governor noted.

In their separate goodwill messages, the Deji of Akure, Oba Aladelusi Oguntoyinbo and the Vice Chairman of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) in the state, Rev. Daniel Ayodeji Akomolafe, commended the governor for his efforts at securing the lives and property of the people.

They called for the establishment of state police and better empowerment for the Amotekun Corps to bear arms so as to complement the efforts of the security agencies in fighting crimes. 

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