Deji Adeyanju Lied against Obi, Says Journalist, Ike Abonyi

Onyebuchi Ezigbo

A former political editor with THISDAY Newspaper and Media Adviser to the immediate past National Chairman of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP),Mr. Ike Abonyi has described as a lie the statement made by a political activist, Deji Adeyanju against the presidential candidate of the Labour Party(LP), Peter Obi.

Adeyanju had allegedly tweeted that   Obi told him that he invested Anambra state money in his family business

However, Abonyi, who said he was with Obi when he met Adeyanju said the former governor never made such statement.

In a statement signed by Abonyi, he said: “ I was at the meeting Deji had with Obi and was there all through and left with him after about three hours frank discussion of Obi telling his life story in and out of government none of which is new as he had said similar thing repeatedly in the public. I was shocked to my marrow reading from Deji what I did not hear”.

Abonyi said he was at pains at the behaviour of the activist.

In the statement made available to THISDAY yesterday, Abonyi said : “I am at pains joining issues with a friend in public but at this instance, I cannot keep mum and allow untruths to thrive.

My friend Deji Adeyanju just tweeted that why he stopped supporting the LP presidential candidate, Mr. Peter Obi  was when he told him that he invested Anambra state money in his family business.

“In my shock today July 26, 2022 after reading the post I wrote this to him -“Deji, did you and Obi meet again or the one I was present. Haba! Deji, am shocked, you are free to support whoever without all these funny blackmails.

“You didn’t even factor my friendship with you”

On July 9, 2022 after similar negative post on Obi that he can accept appointment from the APC Presidential Candidate, Asiwaju Bola Tinubu, I had again written  to Deji….” My brother, good morning, when did it get to this point.

“Am still in shock. Obi is not looking for a job a Tinubu will be offering. As my friend even if you no longer believe in Obi project, I encourage you to stay on issues that will enhance your own reputation.”

Deji has not responded to any of my posts to him and has not picked my calls. I had wanted us to resolve it as  friends without my coming public by urging him to withdraw his posts because they are not based on facts.

“As a journalist of long standing and as a Christian I don’t need to be an Obicentric person to resolve issues that border on facts and falsity. No money was offered during or after the meeting and there was no promise of any to best of knowledge.

‘Deji is on record severally to have declared Obi to be the best candidate and had publicly encouraged Obi to leave PDP to seek his ambition on another platform. He is also free to do a U turn in supporting him depending on what appeals to him, but should not base that on what is not true.”

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