Buhari Admonishes Religious Leaders to  Pray for Nigeria’s Peace, Security

* Rejoices with new Methodist Prelate, Aba

Deji Elumoye in Abuja 

President Muhammadu Buhari has made a clarion call to Nigerians, especially religious leaders to pray fervently for a nation that is at peace and secured.

The president, in a release issued Whednesday by his Media Adviser, Femi Adesina, called on all Nigerians, especially religious leaders, to intensify prayers for the peace and security of the nation.

He felicitated the Archbishop of Benue and Prelate-elect of Methodist Church Nigeria, Most Rev Oliver Ali Aba.

The president commended the premier church in the country for the peaceful and transparent 48th/13th Biennial Conference in Abuja which has led to the emergence of a new leader.

President Buhari also hailed the outgoing Prelate, Samuel Chukwuemeka Uche, for his achievements in the spiritual and physical growth of the church during his nine-year tenure.

As Prelate-elect, Oliver Aba, assumes office on December 1, 2022, the president wished him a successful stewardship, while urging him to build on the laudable legacies of the out-going Prelate.

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