Curbing Smuggling, Revenue Loss in Katsina 

Francis Sardauna writes on how the Katsina Area Command of the Nigeria Customs Service is suppressing smuggling and preventing loss of government revenue in the state. 

When the federal government banned the importation of rice through Nigeria’s land borders as part of efforts to make the country self-sufficient in terms of food production, local producers and rice farmers’ unions in the country were in joyful mood because local industries will be revamp and utilised by the government.

Being the 11th highest consumer of rice in the world after Brazil, makes the Nigerian market a passport to wealth for every farmer. But businessmen argue that as long as the country is unable to control its rice smuggling problem, development in the industry will continue to be weighed down.

This underscores why the Katsina Area Command of the Nigeria Customs Service (NCS) has intensified the fight against smuggling in order to protect local industries, create employment and prevent the use of the nation’s markets as dumping ground for fake, substandard and unwholesome prohibited items.

A rare combination of intelligence and swift enforcement by officers and men of the command led by Comptroller Dalha Wada Chedi, is yielding results as heavy blows are dealt on the unrepentant smugglers with massive seizures and arrests of suspects in connection with the seized contraband.

Chedi, who took over the mantle of leadership of the command on 23rd March, 2021, has made the Area Command to be known for not only seizing smuggled contraband or products, but also nabbing the ‘men behind the mask’ which has drastically reduced the spate of smuggling and enhance revenue generation.

The comptroller’s unflinching efforts of suppressing smuggling activities in the state had exposed those behind the act and ensured timely prosecution of those apprehended in connection with the intercepted smuggled goods. The conviction of the smugglers in courts obviously become an imperilment to the economic saboteurs.

The anti-smuggling combatant’s resolving strategies and transparency in curbing smuggling and other activities of the criminals in the state has led to the blockage of the four recognised border posts with the Niger Republic —Magama in Jibia, Kongolom in Mai’Adua, Babban-Mutum in Baure and Dankama in Kaita Local Government Area of the state.

For instance, illegal routes in Sabon-Garin, Mai-Dabarau, Gadirge, Korama, Alele, Bayan Bariki, Raini and Wayo communities in Jibia local government which were hitherto used by smugglers to ferry in contraband into Katsina, the state capital, have been blocked due to the relentless effort of Comptroller Dalha Wada Chedi. 

In Kongolom, Mai’Adua Local Government Area, investigation revealed that most smugglers of rice were using unapproved routes from Maimaje, Botsotsuwa, Tsatsumburum and Yekuwa communities from Niger Republic to ferry in their smuggled commodities into the country, but the illegal routes have been shut down by the anti-smuggling crusader. This noble gesture of stemming smuggling is also applicable in communities and villages across Babban-Mutum and Dankama.

The anti-smuggling move of the comptroller of the Nigeria Customs Service in the state has yielded tremendous success as seizures of contraband are being recorded on daily basis while the smugglers and other economic saboteurs crippling the federal and state governments’ quest for a viable and sustainable economy development, are now on the run in the state.

The number of seizures recorded under the leadership of Comptroller Chedi has been unprecedented in the last 17 months and this is due to the proactive measures undertaken by Chedi who has zero tolerance for smuggling activities being orchestrated by the marauding smugglers and some unscrupulous elements in the state.

Investigation by THISDAY revealed that between January to December 2021 alone, the command has seized over 15,000 bags of smuggled foreign rice, thousands of cartons of spaghetti, macaroni, jerricans of vegetable oil, bales of second hand clothing, hundreds of fairly used vehicle imported into the country without customs duty and other unregistered goods worth N474,443,150.

Chedi is equally deploying all necessary tools to ensure that the core mandate of the Service (revenue generation, facilitation of legitimate trade and suppression of smuggling) amongst others, is vigorously achieved because revenue generation and legitimate trade facilitation solely depend on how smuggling activities are aggressively suppressed.

To this end, the command under the watch of Chedi has generated over N104.7 million from export and import duties as revenue for the federal government between May and June 2022 after the reopening of the Jibia/Niger Republic border. Also, N38.5 million was realised from seized items such as rice, vehicles, spaghetti, among others within the period under review.

In spite of incessant attacks by bandits on its corridors of operations, the command has generated N99,777,343.00 revenue for the government between 1 July to 11 August, 2022. While 10,827.40 metric tonnes of cement, hibiscus flower, chilli peppers, beverages, animal feeds and tamarind with free on board (FOD) of N538,406,126. 45, were also exported within the timeframe.

Within the period under review, 447 bags of foreign rice, 337 cartons of foreign spaghetti, 120 bags of foreign flour, 450 bags of potash, 1,000 pieces of hide and skin, nine vehicles and other contraband were intercepted by the men and officers of the command with duty paid value (DPV) of N73,675,024.00.

The unprecedented number of achievements being recorded by the command is as a result of the re-strategize of its operational procedures by Comptroller Dalha Wada Chedi on anti-smuggling activities, constant patrols, surveillance and reconnaissance as well as cooperation of other security agencies and stakeholders at the border communities in the state.

However, Chedi is apparently not satisfied with the achievements recorded so far because in his recent media chat in Katsina, he warned unrepentant smugglers operating in the state that the command now has all that is required to clamp down on their activities and bring them to face the wrath of the law.

According to him, “I am sorry for smugglers because a new strategy has been put in place to checkmate smuggling, and we will follow them from nooks and crannies of the state. We will make things very uncomfortable for them, and what they are thinking of gaining, I am sorry for them, instead of gaining it they will lose because the country must definitely win this fight.”

He urged the business community in the state to utilize the business opportunity provided by the federal government by converting the intended informal exports into the formal export procedures and renewal of old Customs License Agencies as well as the opening of new ones.

The NCS comptroller has resolved to continually suppress smuggling and prevent loss of government revenue through the land borders and warehouses across the four recognised border posts in the state. 

He noted that the command would continue to serve as one of the layers checks and defence against infractions as approved by the management of the Nigeria Customs Service in accordance with extant laws. 

He added that, “The remaining people that are still in the old system of smuggling should come forward and embrace the change for their personal, community, state and the nation’s economic development at large. Our men and officers are ready to heat the ground running in the quest to suppress smuggling and enhance revenue collection”.

With this milestone achievements in less than 18 months on assumption of office as the Comptroller of the Katsina Area Command of the NCS, Dalha Wada Chedi is suppressing smuggling and preventing loss of government revenue through the land borders and warehouses across the four recognised border posts in the state. 

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