Eden Power To Tackle Climate Change With “Eden Zero”                                                               

Kayode Tokede

Eden Power, purveyors of clean, sustainable energy, have announced the upcoming launch of Eden Zero – a mobile application platform developed to tackle climate change, by educating individuals on how they can take effective steps to actively reverse its effects.

The platform will also connect them to long-term carbon-offset initiatives, which will reduce Sub-Saharan Africa’s reliance on hazardous energy generation.

Speaking on the importance of the Eden Zero project, CEO of Eden Power, Olumuyiwa Boris Abiodun in a statement said: “Our plan is to provide personalized emission information to socially conscious individuals while also providing sustainable offsetting options that benefit the environment by increasing carbon filters and reducing the over-reliance of underserved communities in Sub-Saharan Africa on fossil-fueled energy generation”

Abiodun continued, regarding the need for initiatives like Eden Zero: “We are rapidly approaching the brink of irreversible climate chaos.

“If we are to avert the harsh future we have created, we must reduce global carbon emissions by 50 percent per decade beginning now. If we love our children more than we love ourselves, we only have one choice: take collective action. This is what we hope to achieve with Eden Zero”.

Launching in October 2022, Eden Zero is a global platform that will offer individuals a carbon calculator to calculate their carbon footprint and choose from tailormade, sustainable & real-life recommendations to reduce and neutralize their carbon emissions through offsets and behavioral changes.

These recommendations will cover daily lifestyle areas like energy use, transportation, shopping, etc. The application highlights the direct connection between daily activities and individual carbon emissions, encouraging users to consciously join the climate change fight by offsetting carbon footprints with a personalized monthly subscription.

Eden Power has consistently shown its commitment to ecologically conscious initiatives by leveraging cutting-edge technology to provide renewable, cost-effective energy solutions that are also environmentally friendly.

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