Olawale Olaleye pays tribute to Boss Mustapha, lawyer, administrator, and Secretary to the Government of the Federation

If there’s anyone not getting enough credit for all he’s been doing to help the government of the day fix many of its challenges and deliver on its promises, no one, arguably, can take the place of the Secretary to the Government of the Federation, Boss Gidahyelda Mustapha.

Although not his design, Mustapha, has since assuming office become the engine room of the Muhammadu Buhari administration, in addition to his rather overwhelming official responsibilities as the scribe of the federation.

Five years ago, when Mustapha joined the Buhari administration, his coming onboard was timeous. The presidency at the time needed a stabilizer, who would create a synergy amongst the various tendencies in the government, the presidency in particular, for seamless interaction and this bridge-builder came right on time.

What’s even more curious, is that, President Buhari, seemed to have recognised early in the day, the capacity of the SGF to hold his own and deliver on all assignments – from the basic to the most complicated – and understood where and how to deploy him, outside of his primary concerns.

To the awe of many people in the government, Mustapha, has been the bulwark of the administration, overlapping the functions of many offices, including being an unofficial adviser on critical issues of government, guided strictly by national interest and the many internal contradictions of the government.

Even more noteworthy, is how his pieces of advice, have helped to shape decisions in the party and guide on steps to take, whenever things get to a head. Understandably, his engagements in the government scaled up after the passing of the former Chief of Staff to the president, Abba Kyari.

Thus, aside designing the activities of the president and offering advice, where necessary, he has also been a mediator in many instances, not to talk of his headship of many ad hoc committees, created to address situations. Yet, in all of these, Mustapha, has never been found wanting.

When you consider the agencies under his watch cum his responsibilities, then, it’s not difficult to tell it is not an office for the inane. These agencies include the Code of Conduct Bureau, National Lottery Trust Fund, Federal Road Safety Corps, Nigeria National Merit Award, National Hajj Commission of Nigeria and Nigeria Atomic Energy Commission.

Others are Nigeria Christian Pilgrim Commission, Niger Delta Development Commission, National Agency for the Control of Aids, New Partnership for African Development, National Poverty Eradication Programme, and the National Lottery Regulatory Commission.

However, when you consider his background as a lawyer, in addition to his education, exposure and experience, it’s not hard to tell how he has been able to navigate his many responsibilities, which include handling matters related to the prerogative of mercy, petitions and appeals to the President.

He is also charged with the responsibility of processing requests for duty tours and medical treatment of government officials abroad. He coordinates and manages National Honours Awards.

The SGF is responsible for the supervision of some government agencies as directed by the president like the New Partnership for African Development (NEPAD), while also serving as the frontline advisory institution to the office of the president.

His office monitors and coordinates the implementation of government policies and programmes in line with the programmes of the ruling government as well as ensures harmonisation in the policies of the government.

Mustapha is the one, who evaluates the performance of the ministers and Permanent Secretaries on behalf of the president. He maintains mandate acceptance documents signed by ministers on an assumption of office.

Apart from serving as the Secretariat of the National Council of State, the Federal Executive Council and other Constitutional Councils, chaired by the president or the vice-president, his office also provides support services to administrative tribunals, commissions and panels of enquiry.

Mustapha equally coordinates public safety matters, and this, he exemplified during the COVID-19 pandemic, when he coordinated the presidential response team.

He, no doubt, represents the president whenever delegated to do so, and liaises with Secretaries to State Governments in situations, when policies of the federal government, have to be implemented at the state levels.

However, when all these are combined, it is without a doubt that Mustapha is very hands-on and his ability to coordinate activities of government as well as make peace amongst members of the administration, is not a gift domicile in everyone.

He has consciously stayed away from scandals, avoided enemies, but continued to pay sufficient attention to his office, protect his boss and his office without playing to the gallery. With maturity and experience, he has acquitted himself as deserving of his office.

Therefore, on the occasion of his 66th birthday, today, it becomes a matter of responsibility and recognition of the contributions of a patriot, distinguished Nigerian, and decent family man, who has continued to give his all in the service to fatherland.

Olaleye is a staff of THISDAY

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