Nigeria Had Special Place in Queen Elizabeth’s Heart, Says Laing

Adedayo Akinwale in Abuja

The British High Commissioner to Nigeria, Ms. Catriona Laing has said Nigeria had a special place in the heart of Queen Elizabeth II who died last Thursday at the age of 96.

Addressing journalists in Abuja yesterday, Laing commended the federal government for the honour done to the late Queen by ordering the country’s flags to be flown at half mast.

She said: “She was able to travel so widely where she was inspired by the amazing spirits of the people of Nigeria…So I think she was passionate about Africa, the Commonwealth, but I personally think Nigeria has a special place in her heart.”

The High Commissioner added that King Charles 111 had for a long time prepared for the throne, adding that the new King was passionate about environment and climate change.

Laing added: “He was well ahead of the curve in identifying the importance of protecting our environment if we want to be able to pass that on to our future generations.”

She said that another area that the new King was interested in was the history of the Commonwealth, adding that having taken over from his mother, the new King would make it an absolute commitment and passion to bring fresh life into the Commonwealth.

“Perhaps to modernise the Commonwealth a little bit, to particularly engage with youth, what do they want from a modern Commonwealth? So I think the environment and using the Commonwealth to promote those interests and to ensure that above all, that we all think about protecting our planet so we can hand over something that is salvageable for all future generations,” Laing added.

Asked if the new King would address the grievances some people have against the British government as expressed by some people on social media, Laing noted that while there were different views which would be engaged later, they would like to focus on the positive legacy of the departed queen at the moment.

She added: ” I think this is probably not the time to fix particularly on that issue. But one positive thing I will say that she took her responsibility for the transition from Empire to the Commonwealth very seriously.

“And I think she has invested huge amounts of leadership and positive energy in creating that Commonwealth family.

“So, that’s the positive stamp and the legacy that she wanted to bring as we transition from Empire to the Commonwealth. And I think it’s been a great success. There are obviously different views out there, and we will hear those views and we will engage with his views but for now, I want to focus on the positive legacy that she left us with any questions.”

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