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Riz International: Transparency with Your Clients is the Cornerstone of Success

It’s hard to understand at what point humanity, in large numbers, decided to mislead, lie and altogether be dishonest (maybe it was during the rise of social media) – most of us have grown up believing that our word is worth everything, yet why are there a dime a dozen charlatans and frauds in every corner of every industry? However, it seems the world is slowly but surely waking up to the value inherent in being honest, transparent, and genuine. Take Riz International for instance, the successful stocks and options trading and education company maintains that being 100% transparent with its clients has been the cornerstone of its success.
Riz International was founded in September 2012 in Ontario, Canada, its young founder Rizwan Memon had his eyes set on the skies. At the young age of 16, with a miniscule sum to his name, he was able to multiply his net worth to amass a fortune in less than five years. Rizwan admits that he owes his success to being honest with his clients. He says, “We don’t treat clients as ATM machines or a golden goose. For us, customers are not just people but also friends. Each and every person one has a story and their own reason to come to us for help, and it’s our responsibility to guide them through their very own personal journey of achieving financial growth. This means we don’t cut corners or use deceptive tactics. That may work for others out there, but it’s never something the team and I can do as it leaves a stain on your soul that you can’t get rid of easily. So, our solution was simple – be honest real, honest and transparent with prospective clients from the get-go. Before they even consider to retain our services, they know in their heart and mind that we are there for them and are the real deal. Once they do join us, we then ease them into the reality of their situation and that of broader markets and work towards helping them improve their financial picture. By providing them time-tested methods and tilting the odds in their favour, we have grown our loyal client base in the thousands all across the globe.”
As much as transparency is about clients and doing the right thing, it also allows you to focus on the work which needs to be done today instead of carrying the baggage of your past discretions and bringing them into tomorrow. Further emphasizing the benefits of transparency, Rizwan Memon says, “Clients don’t just work with brands. They work with people. To be a professional doesn’t mean you must stop being human. For us, being genuine and honest with our clients is the right choice and one that is made for life.”
Riz International’s take on honesty in business is a breath of fresh air indeed.