Police Seal off LMC Offices in Abuja

Officers from the Nigeria Police Force (NPF) yesterday sealed off offices of the League Management Company (LMC) in Abuja.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that no fewer than 10 police officers arrived at the entrance of the LMC office early in the day to seal up the premises.

They took up places to bar workers and visitors from entering the office located at 20, Osun Crescent in the Maitama District, after arriving in a van and two other patrol cars.

The officer who led the team of policemen, after refusing to reveal his identity, told NAN they were instructed from the Force Headquarters to seal off the LMC office.

He also said they were given orders not to allow newsmen take pictures of the scene.

Anyone who wished to do so will have to get a permit from the Force Public Relations Officer (FPRO) before he or she could be granted access,” the officer added.

NAN reports that the order to seal off the LMC office may not be unconnected with the directive on Friday by the Federal Government.

The directive, passed through the Federal Ministry of Youth and Sports Development, had advised the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) to immediately withdraw LMC’s operating licence.

The LMC had since 2012 been the sole operator of the Nigeria Professional Football League (NPFL).

The directive, in a statement signed by Ismaila Abubakar, the ministry’s Permanent Secretary, had said government was constrained to withdraw its recognition of the LMC.

This, it said, was in view of the several unpleasant incidents regarding the management of the country’s professional football league.

The NFF was also directed to set up an Interim Management Committee (IMC) to run the league pending the time the clubs would run it themselves.

NAN reports that NFF, as at Thursday, was yet to react to the directive as well as the sealing off of the LMC office.(NAN)

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