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MTN Spelling Promotes Digital Literacy through Spelling Bee Contest

Funmi Ogundare
MTN Nigeria has stated its readiness to accelerate Africa’s digital economy through various digitalisation strategies, including the mPulse spelling Bee competition, opened to primary and secondary school students between the ages of 9 and 15 years.. It is aimed at promoting education and digital literacy among the younger population.
The mPulse Spelling Bee Competition is Nigeria’s first digital spelling bee competition, and it has operated a digital model since its launch.
During the competition, participants are logged on into the MTN mPulse website, where they will familiarise themselves with facilitators and fellow participants virtually, and take rounds to spell a broad selection of words with varying degrees of difficulty. Shortlisted participants are rewarded with scholarships, state-of-the-art ICT devices including laptops, phones, modems, and other mouth-watering prizes.
The 2022 edition is a hybrid with the first and second phases of the competition slated to hold on the mPulse website, while the grand finale will take place at the MTN Nigeria headquarters, Lagos in November 2022.
The overall winner, alongside the first and second runners-up, will be rewarded with cash prizes for themselves and their English teachers. The champion’s school will be rewarded with premium ICT devices, while the winner will become the MTN CEO for a day.The first round one of the competition has commenced, interested students and schools in Nigeria can still register to participate on if they are registered on the mPulse plan. However, students who wish to migrate to the mPulse plan may text mPulse to 344 or dial *344*1#. Registration for the mPulse Spelling Bee competition closes on October 9, 2022.