NAMEL Calls for Urgent Standardisation of Rural Agricultural Development

The Nigerian Agricultural Mechanisation & Equipment Leasing Company (NAMEL), has called for an urgent need to up the standard of Rural Agricultural Development.

The Chief Executive of NAMEL Mr. Ahmed Adekunle made the call at a partners/stakeholders sensitisation meeting which was held recently in Abuja.

During the meeting, NEMAL also revealed the Rural Agricultural Development Consortium (RAD-C), a model that was developed in collaboration with significant agricultural players, such as Harvest Field, SEEDCO, OCP, National Agricultural Insurance Corporation (NAIC), NFM, AFEX, and the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN).

According to Adekunle, the RAD-C model offers a verifiable window for the government and development partners to conduct agricultural development programs in a partnership with distinct and quantifiable results.

He said, ” Some of the Short-term goal of RAD-C is to develop 500,000 hectares of contiguous farmland across different states and create 1 million direct jobs and about 2 million indirect jobs for community youths and women.

” It will also produce 2.5 million Metric tons of premium crops annually including Rice, Maize, wheat, and cassava While also Alattracting an estimated 50Billion worth of investment directly to the rural communities.”

” RAD-C model provides a verifable window for development partners and Government to implement Agricultural development initiatives such as the Staple Crops Processing Zones, AFDB Emergency Food Production Facility, Central Bank of Nigeria Accelerated Agricultural Production Scheme (etc).” He said.

CEO of AgroNigeria Richard-Mark Mbaram, on his part said the RAD-C is a continental initiative that would be promoted to the rest of the world,

He said, “It is a continental activity to facilitate and consolidate agricultural transformation for global impact and will feature prominently at this year’s Africa Agriculture Dialogue, taking place as part of the global Borlaug dialogue in Des Moines, Iowa.”

On a single platform, the event brought together established and up-and-coming supply chain managers, service providers, agro-input suppliers, extension specialists, farm managers, marketers, crop insurance specialists, agricultural financiers, and farmers.

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