Abike Dabiri: Inspiring World of Diaspora Commission Chairman at 60

People who insist that the future is in the hands of the young have most likely failed to consider the fact that people like Abike Dabiri-Erewa are still very much around. Even though time is gradually leaving its traces on their identities, such people will continue to gild their doings until they are truly and completely spent. At 60, one can only say that Dabiri-Erewa is not close to emptying her treasure chest of talent, passion, and diligence.

On October 10, 2022, Dabiri-Erewa marked her 60th year on the earth. Because of her identity and status, she was celebrated by virtually every high-tier Nigerian within and outside the country. After all, the sphere of influence and contribution of the Amazon is not and has never been limited to any one area. Instead, even as she celebrated 60 years of life, Dabiri-Erewa got to understand the true extent of her contributions to the lives of others around her.

Many people have made a name for themselves in the area of philanthropy, understanding that helping other people is a duty that is divine in origin. For Dabiri-Erewa, philanthropy is incomplete outside corporate efforts. Thus, she has always committed the best of herself in shouldering the responsibility of helping Nigerians, especially those in the diaspora.

Even at 60, many diplomats from other nations refer to her as a lioness. That is not surprising considering how Dabiri-Erewa has helped to watch over Nigerians abroad as the CEO of the Nigerian in Diaspora Commission (NIDCOM). In fact, almost nobody remembers how these Nigerians went about their daily endeavours before Dabiri-Erewa came into the picture. That is how single-handedly and successfully Dabiri-Erewa discharged her duties.

At 60, Dabiri-Erewa is an inspiration to all people, male or female. Her commitment is only overshadowed by her vision for the future. But more is yet to come, that much is clear.

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