Another Trophy for Bola Atta

Times are changing but certain things will require more than time’s shadows to change. One such thing is the vibe of Bola Atta, the CEO of the United Bank for Africa’s Foundation. Even as she continues to break new ground in the name of the foundation, she is also cleaving new skies. As such, songs of praise continue to garnish her march of progress.

These are great times for Atta and her UBA. Once again, the efforts and visionary potential of the combination of the duo have resulted in great prestige for the bank and its foundation. This time, accolades are flowing from all over the country, including from the individuals who were privileged to attend the 10th anniversary of the Marketing Edge brands and advertising excellence awards which was held in Lagos recently.

Indeed, UBA always seems to have the most forward-thinking and far-seeing workforce. But they really beat their records this time, and it is evident to every knowledgeable person that Atta had much to do with that. During the awards, UBA Foundation led the pack with its many innovative initiatives. These included the annual National Essay Competition, Read Africa,  Each Teach One, the Foodbank, and many others.

Unsurprisingly, UBA Foundation went home with the reputation of a leader in Corporate Social Responsibility. This, of course, is just an accompanying benefit of Atta’s true agenda which is to improve lives and nurture talents for the African continent. One can argue that with Atta and her crew at the helm of affairs, this agenda is halfway to completion.

No doubt, Atta’s garage is a massive hall of trophies. But this is to be expected since great things will always come to great people. Indeed, she is a symbol of focus, diligence, and vision. In her hands, the UBA Foundation will doubtless continue to flourish.

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