Standing Ovation for Eruani Azibapu, for Setting Another Record

For the informed Nigerian, nobody can convince them that a revolution is not coming to the country in a few years. Anybody with a visionary mind should be able to tell that the sun of greatness is rising on the nation and no political, economic, or socio-cultural disaster will be able to eclipse it. Thanks to young people like Dr. Eruani Azibapu, a new wave of hope is now blowing across every corner.

It has to be said that President Muhammadu Buhari is going all out in his last administrative days to leave strong seeds behind. Azibapu is the latest of such seeds that the president is setting up as a pillar for Nigeria’s future. This preparation process has taken the form of an award process that has fundamentally changed Azibapu’s status as a common Nigerian, setting him up instead as a Commander of the Order of the Federal Republic (CFR).

According to reports, with President Buhari set to confer the CFR award on the owner and CEO of Azikel Refinery, Azibapu has inadvertently become the youngest Nigerian to hold the title. But this is not all too surprising considering the contributions of the 48-year-old man who is a medical doctor, industrialist, and entrepreneur.

Besides his personal contributions, the president has determined that Azibapu’s role in establishing the in-country petroleum refining process in Nigeria deems him worthy of the CFR award. And this is true. Azibapu has boosted Nigeria’s chances at genuine sustainable development with his Hydroskimming Refinery, the very first private petroleum refinery of its kind in Nigeria. Evidently, it is written in his stars that he will break new ground.

With his actions, Azibapu is leading a new generation of thinkers, visionaries, and record-breakers in the country. With such people, it is only a matter of time before Nigeria can outshine both her developing and developed neighbours.

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