Akeredolu, is this the ‘Change’ that was Promised? … Civil Servants Cry for Salary in Ondo

What is the value of a politician’s word and what is the guarantee of their promises? At this rate in Nigeria, we will never know. And because the civil servants of Ondo State are full-fledged Nigerians, they are also suffering the blows of salary defaulting. The question to the state governor, Rotimi Akeredolu, is simple: is this the change you promised or should we wait for another?

The heads of civil servants in Ondo State are currently boiling over the issue of the alleged non-payment of their salaries. According to several workers, the governor, Akeredolu, is holding back their deserved wages even after making promise after promise of paying them on time.

The case of non-payment of civil servant salaries in Ondo is nothing new. In June, Akeredolu’s name was dragged in the mud for paying January salaries in June and taking great pride in it. During that period, social media was agog with keyboard warriors willing to march to the Ondo State Government House and speak their minds. Eventually, however, emotions were calmed and people went back to their lives.

As he is wont to do, Akeredolu rose to the occasion to further assure Ondo civil servants that all will be well moving forward. Unfortunately, his words have fallen to the ground. It appears as if the outstanding owed to Ondo civil servants is more than enough to recruit a fresh crop of workers and then distribute them across the 36 states of the federation.

Although Akeredolu is not alone in this habit of owing civil servants, there are few governors as intimate with his people on the same level as Akeredolu. That is why said people are always so eager to believe his words and accept his promises. But time is running out. When the tummy is empty, even the most loyal heart will stop believing.

This is what is happening and why people continue to ask Akeredolu: is this the change you promised us?

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