Olukayode Pitan’s Magic  Wand  at Bank of Industry

Diligence and commitment are two sides of the productivity coin. Every individual who can spin this coin expertly has achieved high levels of success to be considered legendary. Olukayode Pitan, the Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer of the Bank of Industry (BOI), is currently reaching these levels of success with BOI. Despite only having spent a bit over 4 months in the BOI MD/CEO position, Pitan has already accomplished much more than was ever expected of him.

It will not be said of Pitan that BOI collapsed in his era. Truth be told, the man has helped the institution gain traction in recent times. With Pitan applying the knowledge and experience he has gathered from over 30 years of active work in the corporate industry, it is not entirely surprising that BOI has gone up many levels in financial valuation, becoming one of Nigeria’s foremost organisational assets.

Pitan has contributed immensely to the growth of BOI. According to some sources, it would have been impossible for the institution to reach half a trillion Naira in valuation and asset base. However, Pitan’s contributions have doubled this figure, allowing BOI to reach and exceed N1 trillion in asset base alone.

Except that he has a magic wand, how was Pitan ever able to accomplish this? Simple: vision and diligence. It is no secret that Pitan is a visionary leader with an ambition that dwarfs all the four named oceans. Nevertheless, it is his experience that stands him out, that and his educational achievements.

Pitan’s motley of academic and professional education has only served as a foundation for his work, however. His tango with financial services, on the other hand, shows him to be a true genius of the ledger if ever there was one. With his continued foray into banking and financial services with BOI as his glove, it is only a matter of time before Pitan climbs the ranks even faster.

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