Worthy Achiever! Oando Boss, Adewale Tinubu, Honoured

The story of Adewale Tinubu, Group Chief Executive, Oando Plc, a sub-Saharan African indigenous integrated energy group, would make a compelling read, any time and any day. Such is the interesting and inspiring lifestyle of this very dynamic entrepreneur who today is a big player in the oil and gas sector.

His early life portrayed him as a potentially great person in life. And, like most young men of his generation, his dream was to become one of the greatest businessmen in the world. Luckily, providence granted him his heart’s desire.

At the outset of his business, Tinubu faced a lot of daunting challenges, but his uncommon daring spirit and survival instinct made him overcome them.

For the Lagos State-born magnate, popularly called the King of African Oil, his emergence as a world-acclaimed businessman did not come as a surprise to those who knew him early in life. He started with a small oil firm, Ocean and Oil Services, many years ago. When he started, his clear vision was to lead the company into a leading indigenous exploration and production player on the African continent. With resilience and focus, he has achieved that dream, as he has been able to grow the business into a conglomerate playing on the continent’s energy sector.

That he is head and shoulders above several of his competitors in the industry is no longer in doubt. And today, he is one of the few Nigerians who rub shoulders with other top executives around the world, making him a glittering star in the global business firmament.

Apart from this, the trained lawyer’s philanthropic gesture is worthy of emulation. Others measure the value of their lives based on how many lives they have touched and blessed, not to mention the degree to which they have done these. Tinubu belongs to this category and has become one of the brightest beacons of hope for the underprivileged in Nigeria.

In recognition of this feat, Tinubu, on Tuesday, October 11, was among eminent and top Nigerian personalities bestowed by President Muhammadu Buhari with various national honours. The high-flying tycoon received the medal of national award of Commander of the Order of Niger, CON.

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