Glow Initiative Partner Access Bank on Solar Power for Schools

Ugo Aliogo 

Glow Initiative for Economic Empowerment, through its Solar Up Nigeria (SUN) initiative, has completed the third batch of the Solar for Schools Community project where it installed a 3.5kw solar system for Community Secondary School, Nkpolu, Rivers State with support from Access Bank.

A statement, Glow Initiative said inadequate infrastructure in rural areas and constant power outages in grid- connected areas prevented students from learning in optimal conditions. 

The statement also stated that students lacked access to modern information technology which is crucial for educational and economic empowerment, adding that solar energy has the potential to power the education system in rural areas by providing adequate electricity.

The statement explained that access to solar electricity for a rural school would enable them to meet their electricity needs such as lighting, powering educational appliances, ventilation, computer and ICT, and education.

The statement revealed that Itchi community is a remote community in Igboeze South Local Government Area of Enugu State, Nigeria, while noting that the town is about 18.6km from the prestigious University of Nigeria Nsukka and about 74.7km from Enugu the capital city of Enugu state. 

The community secondary school Itchi was established in the 1980s by the community and since its inception till date it has never been connected to the national electricity grid. 

The school relies on generators to power their computer room which had a big toll on the school’s lean resources.

According to the statement, “ICT, digital and internet education are powerful skills of the 21st century. Young people must thereby be equipped with the knowledge with which they could create own businesses and employ others.

“The project team on arrival at Itchi community paid a courtesy visit to the traditional ruler of the community, Igwe Lazarus Ugwuoke. The team briefed the traditional ruler of their intention to install a 3.5KVA solar PV system at the community secondary school. The traditional ruler expressed delight at the initiative and pledged the support of the community in ensuring the smooth implementation of the project. He also pledged his commitment to ensuring the safety of the solar system when installed The leadership of the community and the Management of the school were delighted that their community school was selected to benefit from the “Solar for School” project.  “The project will be a great relief for them as their problem of electric power supply for the school will be permanently fixed. The leadership of the community also pledged their commitment to ensure that the installed solar PV systems will be adequately safe guarded.”

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