Mo Abudu Appointed as Harvard Business School Fellow

Harvard Business School (HBS) has announced the cohort of 36 Executive Fellows for the 2022-23 academic year. With its largest cohort yet, the Executive Fellows Program seeks to leverage the expertise of outstanding practitioners to enhance teaching and learning at the School. The Executive Fellows and the HBS Faculty members with whom they will be working include Mo Abudu, CEO of the EbonyLife Group.

Abudu is working with Professor Henry McGee and Professor Andy Wu on projects related to black women entrepreneurs in Africa, the US, and Europe. In a statement recently released by Mo Abudu on her Instagram page a few weeks ago, Abudu made known her excitement, stating it’s a privilege to be appointed an HBS Executive Fellow for the 2022-2023. “I am excited to let you know that I have accepted an appointment from Harvard Business School, as an Executive Fellow.

“It is an honour and privilege for me to take up this appointment as an HBS Executive Fellow and to share my experiences. My primary focus will be on research and working on a unique fascinating and exciting project in collaboration with HBS faculty”. She promises to say more about the project in due course. All Fellows, including alumni, partner with at least one HBS Faculty member to bring their business experience into the HBS community.

The Fellows contribute to the School by working with Faculty and MBA students on curricular and co-curricular activities. These include, but are not limited to, co-teaching course sessions in the elective curriculum, offering career counseling and development coaching, co-leading Short Intensive Programs (SIPs), and delivering workshop sessions.

They also bring their expertise to the School’s HBS Online and Executive Education programs by collaborating with Faculty in case development and other research projects. Fellow appointments range from a few months to one year and may be extended. “Since the inception of the Executive Fellows program, we have had the good fortune to engage with an impressive array of experienced practitioners who contribute in many ways to the HBS mission of educating leaders who make a difference in the world,” said Professor Len Schlesinger, chair of the program.

“This cohort of Executive Fellows, our largest yet, will provide important, first-hand perspectives on real world challenges and opportunities that will enrich the learning of our entire community,” Len Schlesinger added.

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