Soludo Abolishes Taxes for Hawkers, Vulcanizers, Others

David-Chyddy Eleke in Awka

Following  outcry from members of the public over his tax policies in the state, Anambra State governor, Prof. Chukwuma Soludo has banned taxes for certain categories of poor people.

The category of people exempted from tax payment include: wheelbarrow pushers, vulcanizers and other petty hawkers.

The governor stated this when he hosted a public bid auction for revenue agents at the Anambra State government house, Awka.

He said: “This message must go to all markets in Anambra. Wheelbarrow pushers must not pay any fee in the state. Vulcanizers operating along the road should also cease from paying any fee to anyone. Hawkers shouldn’t pay any fees. These poor people should stop being harassed.

“We must build a liveable and prosperous homeland. Everyone has something to contribute towards this vision.

“We are trying to build a connection between the citizens and the Government. We have been employed as an agent to work for you.

“Every penny in our hands, we will show the value to ndi Anambra. As revenue comes in, we keep awarding contracts for more road construction because we have a road crisis which we are solving.”

Soludo said government was rather about the people, than himself and other government officials.

“We want to build a society where the poor feel empowered and where the rich can get more resources to create wealth and employment, Soludo said.

“This is part of the revolution ongoing in the state. In this way, we have greater value for money.”

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