Expert Says Brain Drain Added Advantage, Charges Govt On Business-Friendly Economy

The Chief Executive Officer of Zitra Investments, a licensed lending institution that provides a broad range of financial services to help individuals, Tunde Obadero, has said that the brain drain currently experienced in Nigeria is an added advantage for the country in the future to grow its economy.
Speaking during an exclusive interview recently, the business expert with 18 years of experience in Strategy, Operations, and Risk Management, argued that while the country is losing its best hands at the moment, most of them will be returning to the country eventually, with better skillsets and values which will lead to rapid development in near time.
He said: “The issue of brain drain is what we should address. The reality is that it doesn’t have a pill that solves it quickly. We have an economic crisis that has led to brain drain so there will definitely be a coming back of the people who have left the country; a better economy at home and improvement in financial situation will bring them back home.
“Our people coming back from the diaspora will be a plus and not a minus. They will come back with skills, competence, knowledge, and values. They will come back to improve not only their life but also develop the country. Other people see the brain drain as a bad thing but I see it as a good thing.”
Speaking further, the finance guru, Obadero, emphasized the government creating an enabling environment for the private sector to lead the economy for stability, adding that the government should focus more on infrastructural development.
“The reality is that while we keep waiting for the government’s intervention; the real growth is from the private sector which has led to a sizable growth we can see around. The role of the government as far as I am concerned is to give more room to the private sector. The more the government gets out of the way for the private sector, the better it is for the economy.
“I also feel while the government is giving room to the private sector, they should focus more on basic infrastructure and safety of Nigerians and also keep up with government services the way it should be,” he said.
Providing solutions, Obadero noted: “Zitra is positioned to change the narrative from the retail financial services, to be a one-stop shop for financial services, also positioned to put a smile on the faces of small business owners across Nigeria. Zitra is positioned to provide value. Our dream is to make businesses better and more valuable, so in the long run make their families and households happy.”
“Zitra Investments is a licensed lending institution that provides a broad range of financial services to help individuals, micro-businesses, SMEs and large corporations achieve their financial goals. This is done by providing these businesses with access to loans and investment products curated to serve their specific needs.
“Zitra prides itself as a knowledge and technology-driven company. With access to cutting-edge technology. We are able to serve the needs of the under-served in the financial market.”
“Using our knowledge of the economy and financial markets, we design products to meet the needs of our sophisticated clients. We share the vision of providing financial freedom to our clients through creative and sustainable solutions.”
“Our mission is to become a leading financial service provider, with a focus on impacting the community and connecting people to their financial objectives while delivering value to our stakeholders. We are driven by our passion to give back to the community, through the provision of seamless financial assistance and advisory to individuals and businesses.”

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