Grant Master Supports Spec2Spec to Improve Financial Stability

In furtherance of its commitment to ensuring the financial stability of individuals and businesses, Africa’s foremost grant writing marketplace, Grant Master recently supported a free-to-attend webinar with the theme Spectator to Spectacular: Double your income. The event which took place virtually on the 8th of September featured impactful sessions from an all-star team of terrific entrepreneurs and professionals who have been able to double their income through strategic moves.

Spectator to Spectacular is a program established by Olugbenga Ogunbowale, the CEO of Grant Master as a way of giving back to the community and impacting lives. This year’s edition is the sixth edition of its kind and focused specifically on helping individuals learn practical steps to earn more income for financial stability.

“In an economy with high inflation and skyrocketing cost of living, surviving on a meager income could be difficult for individuals at the bottom of the economic pyramid with several responsibilities. This could prompt such individuals to borrow or take loans to live a good life. This has made it imperative for forward-thinking individuals and organisations to take social responsibility upon themselves. Nobody has it all together but the little you give back to society could be the greatest gift to them, said Olugbenga Ogunbowale, the convener of the program and CEO of Grant Master.

According to Olugbenga, uploading your income was the push the participants needed to start reaching their financial goals. In his words, he said “Through impactful sessions and empowerment like Double your income, we believe individuals will get the knowledge and skills they need to thrive regardless of the economy. The insights and contribution from industry experts will also help the attendees make relevant financial decisions.”

Industry experts who spoke at the event include Moe Odele, founder of Scale my hustle, Akinsola Jegede, co-founder of VitalSwap, Esther Ehindero, co-founder of Trekk Scooters and Chidi Nwaogu, co-founder & CEO of Publiseer. At the end of the free-to-attend virtual session, attendees also received a micro-grant of N10,000 each courtesy of Grant Master, Vital Swap and friends of the convener.

Grant Master remains committed to improving the financial stability of individuals and businesses within and beyond its community. Grant Master recently concluded the Creative Writers Fellowship, an 8-week program that trained creative writers in the art of grant writing and provided job opportunities for them.

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