NIESV Tasks New Members On Professionalism, Self Development

Folalumi Alaran

The Nigerian Institution of Estate Surveyors and Valuers (NIESV) has counseled its new hires to foster a high degree of knowledge and ethical quality in their interactions with clients.

The President of the organization, Johnbull Amayaevbo made this call on Wednesday in Abuja during the 2022 Associates Induction Ceremony with the Theme: ” Ethical Challenges of Estate Surveying and Valuation Practices ”

Amayaevbo called on the inductees to make training and retraining as hallmarks of professionalism adding that the rapid change in the world today requires every professional to be acquainted with current development in the industry.

According to him, ” If you are to remain competent and relevant, you must keep upgrading and expanding your professional prowess through training and retraining.

” The council has for this purpose put in place a platform for Mandatory Continuing Professional Development Programmes ( MCPD ) held at the National level and in all the branches at different times.

” It will enhance your competence and professionalism if you key into these training, programmes, seminars, workshops and conferences “.

The institution also urged 547 new inductees to be ambassadors of the profession and maintain the highest ethical standards in their dealings with clients.

He also charged them to keep upgrading and to expand their professional prowess, through training, if they must remain valuable and relevant in the ever-changing world.

“We have done our best to raise you as an institution’s hope for a better tomorrow, do your best to manifest these virtues and excel and reach for the world’s topmost standards and best global practices.

” My sincere desire is to see you excel and make the Nigerian Institution of Estate Surveyors and Valuers proud. Go on this mindset, prove your mettle, set the world ablaze to the glory of God as defining the future”.

The President told the new members to abide by the rules and regulations of the institution as contained in the constitutional code of ethics.

He added that the document contained details of the standards of conduct required of them in dealing with clients.

The Guest Speaker, Ubong Essien on his part emphasized that estate surveyors and valuers would be judged by their performance. He said the challenge to perform means to embrace the truth in everything they do, as this would be driven by an obsession for results.

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