Temitope Fatunmbi : Our AI-Powered Solutions Committed to Service Industry, Entrepreneurship

Temitope Fatunmbi is the Co-Founder of Hustle Mobile. In this interview,  she discusses how the company is revolutionizing the tech industry with its AI-driven on-demand multiservice platform.

 Can you tell us a bit about Hustle Mobile and what inspired you to start the company?

Hustle Mobile is a startup focused on leveraging artificial intelligence, machine learning and data science to create an optimized platform for customers, vendors and service professional to collaborate, add value to our customers and create wealth for the vendors and service professional. Our platform offers AI-driven analytics and automation tools that help streamline service operations, drive innovation and improve customer experience.
The inspiration for Hustle Mobile came from my background in data science and my frustration with the limitations of COVID 19 lockdown. We wanted to create a solution that not only provides insights but also actively helps businesses, service professionals and customers adapt and evolve in real-time. The rapid advancement in AI technology made this vision feasible, and we saw a gap in the market for truly transformative apps.

Can you share insight into how the app works and what sets it apart from other  contemporary solutions? 

 As its core, Hustle utilizes machine learning algorithms to analyze vast amounts of data and delivers based on algorithms and analytics. It has three apps, namely-Customer’s App, Vendor’s App and Driver’s app.  Key features include predictive analytics, automated process optimization, and on-demand real-time adaptation. Unlike traditional tools that offer similar solutions like the ride hailing service, our applications are all inclusive connecting customers to drivers, service professionals such as doctors, lawyers, tailors, barbers, hair dressers and so on and in the same breathe, adapting to changing market conditions.

What sets us apart is our focus on seamless integration and user experience as a one stop multivendor, multiservice solution. Quite a number of similar applications are powerful, however, complex, requiring some level of technical knowledge. We’ve designed Hustle to be intuitive, user friendly and accessible, so even non-technical users can leverage advanced AI capabilities without complexity.

 Can you share with us with examples, how customers have benefited from  your technology? 

 We have two types of customers. The consumers and the service providers (which include the vendors or sellers). Unlike the traditional marketplace when you place an order and you have to wait a few days for delivery, Hustle ensures all orders are processed on demand and delivered in minutes. So, imagine if you have to order a product you need right now, you are able to order it and have it at your doorstep in 20minutes. This not only saves our customers’ time but also enhance their satisfaction.
Additionally, our drivers, riders, vendors and service professionals can offer a suite of their products on our platform, include the rates and costs and get orders from the comfort of their homes. This allows our service providers and drivers to generate extra revenue leveraging on our platform features. This, we believe, will continue to elevate people out of poverty by creating wealth for our partners. We understand quite a number of our vendors and service professionals are small business owners and unlike our competitors, we provide a feature that allows our vendors and service providers to withdraw their funds immediately once confirmed.

 What are some of the challenges  you encountered building Hustle, and did you overcome them?

Building Hustle has definitely been a tremendous journey with its own share of challenges. One major hurdle was ensuring that our AI models  integrate and handle the diverse and often messy data from different sources. We invested heavily in data cleansing and preprocessing to ensure accuracy and reliability.
Another challenge was gaining trust from potential consumers and service providers, especially when dealing with established businesses. We tackled this by implementing win-win measures and providing clear, transparent information about how our app, AI works, how our app generates income for our vendors and partners, and how data is handled. Building strong relationships with early adopters and showcasing successful case studies also helped us gain credibility.

 Looking ahead, what are your plans for Hustle’s growth and development?

We are  excited about several upcoming initiatives. We plan to expand our platform’s capabilities by incorporating more advanced AI techniques, such as natural language processing, deep learning, autonomous vehicles and deeper neural networks. We are also exploring partnerships with other tech firms to integrate our tools with a wider range of business applications.
Additionally, we are focusing on expanding our market reach, both geographically and across different industry sectors, countries and regions. Our goal is to make Hustle an essential go to app for businesses and customers worldwide, helping them navigate the complexities of the modern market with confidence. Finally, on the  pipeline is implementing a banking service on our platform with  other services to enhance consumer experience confidence as we intend to expand our reach into other countries. The banking service will allow for global banking without borders offering a suite of interesting banking services. Watch this space.

Lastly,  what would be your advice for aspiring and budding  tech entrepreneurs? 

 Stay focused, be curious and resilient. The tech landscape is rapidly evolving, so keeping up with trends and emerging technologies is crucial. Embrace change and don’t be afraid to take risks and experiment with new ideas, but also be prepared to pivot when necessary.
Building a startup business requires perseverance, resilience and you’ll face a lot of challenges along the way. It is important you surround yourself with a great team, seek feedback from mentors and peers, and always stay focused on solving real problems for your users. Passion and determination can take you a long way.

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