AFAN Moves to Strengthen Partnership with Banks, Fast-Track 80mln Farmers Enterpreneurship

Folalumi Alaran

The All Farmers’ Association of Nigeria (AFAN) has stated that it will work in conjunction with banking institutions to assist its more than 80 million farmers and commodity groupings in doing business in Nigeria,

The cooperation, according to the the National president of the association Farouk Rabiu Mudi, would improve access to loans, sustain the relationship between farmers and banks, and return farmers to their rightful place as the foundation of Nigeria’s economy.

He continued by saying that as a clear mandate and intentional goal, the organization has decided to consolidate all of its financial concerns into a single entity, select at least three banks across the country, and encourage its members to conduct banking and business with the suggested institutions.

According to Mudi, over 80 million people in Nigeria are members of the organization, and approximately 12 million farmers are registered members in its database. Additionally, over 100 commodities groups are stakeholders and the legal owners of AFAN.

He emphasized that in order for the collaboration to be properly structured, the association will meet with the chosen banks to weed out unfavorable aspects of the loan process that are unsuitable for their members. Following this meeting, the financial institutions must follow the AFAN’s standards, requirements, and guidelines.

He said, ” We will want to assure that in less than six (6) months of selecting the banks, over 20 million Nigerian real farmers will transfer their bank accounts and affairs to the selected banks.

” There is a lot of strategic restructuring going on within our organization for the betterment of our people, we the commodity heads will continue to meet to decide on better processes and partnerships that will grow our associations as farmers in Nigeria.”

He further stated that on November 16th 2022, AFAN will join the rest of the globe in celebrating world Farmers Day, which is scheduled to take place at the Abuja International Trade Fair along Airport Road.

He said, ” Farmers’ Day is a day to celebrate all farmers, who continue to contribute immensely to the National food Security, Sustainability, as well as foreign exchange earnings, We want to invite all well-meaning Nigerians and organizations to come celebrate with us.” He said.

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