Business Finland Confab to Discuss Investment, Business Landscape around Circular Economy in Nigeria

Business Finland, the organ driving the Nigeria Finland business and trade relations, has concluded arrangements to hold the Circular Economy Investments & Business in Nigeria seminar on Wednesday 16th November in Lagos.

According to a statement, the event is expected to have discussions centered on investment and business landscape around Circular Economy in Nigeria.

To be hosted by the Bio and Circular Programme Finland of Business Finland, the seminar has attracted experts, speakers and thought leaders in Circular Economy. Amongst them are Mr. Bankole Oloruntoba, CEO, Nigeria Climate Innovation Center (NCIC); Mr. Emmanuel Etaderhi Senior Vice President of FMDQ Group and Executive Secretary of Financial Centre for Sustainability (FC4S); Ms Ibukun Faluyi, Executive Secretary, E-Waste Producer Responsibility of Nigeria (EPRON); Ms. Chidiebere Nnorom, Co-Founder, Ebees Paper Recycling, and Mr. Olu Raheem, Trade Commissioner, West Africa, Business Finland
In his remarks, Raheem said, “In 2016 Finland was the first country in the world to prepare a national circular economy roadmap. This roadmap provided a plan to move the country away from a ‘make-take-waste’ linear economy model to one that protects resources and eliminates waste along value chains. This event will focus on discussing the investment and business landscape around the Circular Economy in Nigeria. We invite you to join us in an engaging panel discussion.”

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